I never thought I would ever say anything positive about JW's, but after attending a funeral last week, I must say they were some of the friendliest people I have seen in quite awhile, luckily for me, I already know their religion is a lying croc, but still I was treated with the utmost respect. Just something a little positive to share, to balance out the negative.
Some really friendly witnesses
by Junction-Guy 6 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Sorry about your loss. But, glad to hear about the good treatment.
Did they know you are a jwd'r? Did they think you were a potential study?
Wanna see their true colors, just mention a few doubts......
There is a difference in being friendly and being a friend.
JWs can be very friendly to nonWitnesses - after all you are a potential Bible Study.
But become a JW, become "too zealous", "make others look bad" by your following direction, become ill and in need of help, become confused about others' behavior, especially elders and their family and express such concern, have doubts about teachings, and then tell us if you still think they are friendly.
I don't have time to elaborate now, but all I can say is I was treated with the utmost respect, wasn't harassed, belittled, snubbed, or anything else. In fact it was just the opposite. It was quite refereshing to hold meaningful conversation with decent people.
drew sagan
JWs can be very friendly to nonWitnesses - after all you are a potential Bible Study.
Very true, but there are also people who are just downright nice people as well. I knew a few who never really wore the JW thing as a badge, but just were nice people that just so happened to be JW. Of course they were not deep in the group socially, but they still were very nice. One JW I know who was of this type actually called to see how I was doing after I DA'd from the org. It was his way of saying that he still respected and liked me.
Thanks for your experience JG...
I've always disliked it when all JWs are lumped into one evil caldron of disgustingness. Most of us here were JWs at one time...were we as bad as some people make out JWs to be?
Sure, there are bad JWs but there are good, decent people as well. The JWs, as a group of people, are no different than any other religion or social group...some good, some bad, some honest, some dishonest, some trustworthy, some that can't be trusted.
I try to look at the individual person instead of just saying, "oh, he's a JW...I can't trust him". There are some JWs that I have kicked out of my house...and I have nothing to say or do with them...based on their actions towards me. Others are welcome in my home and I in theirs.
What's sad is that most JWs are victims, not the perpetrators. They've been brainwashed to believe what they believe. They're actions towards "us" (as in faders/inactive or DFd/DAd) is because they've been conditioned to act that way. It doesn't make it any easier to be treated as a lesser person however, I know. It hurts when a life-long "friend" shys away from you because you don't go to meetings. But instead of hating the person, I hate the religion and leadership of that religion that coerced him to act this way...that stole his soul and his natural human affection. I hope one day that old friends realize they were being manipulated and free themselves. Until then, I don't burn any bridges that can be repaired even if they're not safe to travel on at the moment.
Eyes Open
Of course there are decent JW's. Nothing in life is as simple as just good and bad, and there are reasons for evil behaviour in people. Studies done in obedience to authority have shown some worrying results in everyday, average people.
Yeah, what undercover said.