Was Cain a Cannibal?

by cameo-d 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Cain + Abel Cainabel Cannibal

    Could it be so simple that's it's been right in our face?

    Was the "mark of Cain" some sort of facepaint, maybe with blood(?) to signify his cannibalism?

    In some Jewish literature, it is recorded that Eve had a dream where she saw Cain covered in Abel's blood before it happened.

    Also, in the OT a custom originating with Caanites was the teraphim. The teraphim were shrunken heads. People kept them as household deities.

    Could it also be that the communion of wine to blood and bread to body be symbolic of actual cannibalistic rituals that have come down to this generation since Cain?

    Could it be that cannibalistic rituals still exist today in other cults, even sophisticated cults in our society?

  • cameo-d

    no answers for me?

  • shamus100


  • jaguarbass

    The book I am reading at the moment suggest he was a canibal. That he ate his brother Able.

    The book also suggest the Gods created us to be slaves and a source of food.


  • rebel8

    Well that certainly doesn't warm me up to believing in the bible.

    Please post if you happen to find out some evidence for this. I think it'd be helpful in deprogramming.

    Re the name--wouldn't we need to compare the similarity to the word "cannibal" in the language spoken either in Eden or by the bible writer(s)?

  • badboy

    Word cannibal comes from canib/carib +al

    carib indians were said to eat human flesh.

    People should check heir facts before coming out with theories.

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