Digderidoo's final thread (probably).... I intend this to be my final thread, unless JWD continues in some form or i need major advice.
This is not a goodbye thread, as i will still post and pm, i will also enter chat if it comes into existence. After the 'announcement' it has made me think about the time i have spent on JWD and where i will go from here.
I have looked at other sites and have posted on some of them. But with the closing down of the site, i have asked myself do i really want to start posting JW related issues elsewhere? The answer is no i do not.
I guess the announcement has made me move on from all things JW related. I have come a long way since i first posted here back in 2001, back then it was good to read about others in the same boat as me. It was also good to talk to others in chat, which is where i spent most of my time, rather than posting.
Since coming back to this site about one year ago i have moved on a lot. I needed to look at my JW past with regards to the fact i was no longer drinking alcoholicly. Since then i have got myself sober one day at a time.
I would like to thank Simon for providing this site and the mods for keeping it in check. It is solely down to this site that i have become deprogrammed so to speak. Through this site i have found Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience, which has changed my life. There is a wealth of knowledge here, that has helped me come to terms with my JW past. I have come across many wonderful people here, all have helped, some in a small way, some in a large way. I am also looking forward to meeting some at the London Apostafest in April.
I have enjoyed in recent weeks seeing how newcomers are introduced to the knowledge found here, however with the site closing these are obviously discussion that will cease. I have looked at other sites but do not really want to start over, although i will still browse them and maybe post from time to time. JWS looks the start of something good, although i am sure there will be some teething problems, but i will keep an eye on it.
Over the last week i have been away on holiday and the thought of this logging on to this site now hasn't really entered my head, so it's time for me to make a step back.
JWD is second to none for an ex jw site, so at this moment in time i will not start posting threads elsewhere. However, if newcomers arrive on other sites with questions, i will give my opinion on doctrine in the hope it will help them, as it has helped me.
I felt a while ago that i had become an ex, ex jw. This happened when i attended a few meetings and saw the thoughts coming from the platform for what they are.
I have had my acceptance letter today for a law degree, through the University of London, which i have been expecting for the last three weeks, so i am in a happy place at the moment. So for the forseeable future i wll be concentrating my efforts with this. And not forgetting the start of the football season too
It is sad that this site is coming to an end, but others will replace it and fill that hole. I hope Simon and his family can move on from JW related issues also, which from his posts i know they will, i wish them all the best.
As i mentioned at the beginning this is not a goodbye thread, i intend to post on other threads and i intend to enter chat if it gets up and running these final few weeks. However i do not intend to start another thread, unless this site continues in some form in the future, or i have a major emergency and need advice.
So thank you each and every one of you, new and old. This site has truly been a tool in helping me change my life for the better.