607 is like an ill fitting carpet

by Mickey mouse 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I was doing a little more research on the 607 issue. It struck me that what the WT has done is a bit like walking into a room with a perfectly fitting carpet, cutting it in half and adding a strip in the middle. Now the carpet doesn't fit and you are left with the choice of having it running up the walls or full of wrinkles.

    Not only are the accepted historical reignal dates of Babylonian Kings altered but so are those of Egypt and Israel. I expect somewhere down the line according to WT cronology we will find a King who was King before he was conceived or someone who reigned from the grave. Wrinkles everywhere.

    Just my observations.

  • wobble

    Good illustration,now please move on to Volume and Pausing !

    Of course as has been noted many times,even if 607 were correct(which it aint) Daniel contains nothing to extrapolate 2,520 days or years from,nor does any other Scripture so 1914 is a dud,its dead, it is an ex-parrot(prophecy).gone to meet its maker (a strange man)



  • Pahpa

    I think that many groups, not just the Watchtower, came up with their pet theories first and then searched the scriptures to find "proof" of the same. In the case of the 2520 years for the "Gentile Times" Carl Olaf Johsson thoroughly investigated the subject and found that not only was the 607 BCE date incorrect but that the whole concept of the calculation was suspect. Russell accepted Barbour's time frame because it suited his own ideas about living in the "end times." Russell grasped at this interpretation just as he did with the theory of the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) because it supported his preconceived notions. Rutherford re-adjusted Russell's dates. But he kept the calculations of the Gentile Times because the whole framework of the Society was built upon it. The Society now seems to downplay its importance these days. But, like the story of the tar baby, it is stuck with it. It will be interesting to see how it will treat the whole subject as we approach 2014.

  • Satanus

    Good illustration, since the gb members are somewhat like carpetbaggers* were.

    *'It still refers to someone who has newly come to a place with pretensions to take charge, especially a politician.'


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