Advice to Lurking Newbies?

by sweet pea 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I was thinking about how it's a shame that all our potential newbies, who are undoubtedly still visiting for the first time and reading, aren't able to register and ask for everyone's help and advice with things they are experiencing right now.

    So, if you had a few words of wisdom, encouragement, advice, what would it be?

    I have a feeling someone I once knew may be watching.....

    My advice would be:-

    Don't be afraid.

    If truth is truth it will stand, if it is false it will fall.

    You are among friends who will not judge or condemn you for daring to use your brain, open your mind and ask questions. Look to your instinct, it will confirm whether the things written here have the ring of truth to them.

    There is no fear in Love.

    There is a happy fulfilling life outside the organisation.

    Better to have questions you don't know the answers to than to questions you're not allowed to ask.

  • Dagney

    Ah! There she is (waves to SP)


  • Dagney

    Lurking newbies...

    Read, think, read, think, read, think.

    Find out what is important to your soul, your heart. Is it truth? Is it freedom to be who you really are and who you are meant to be? Is it important to be kind and loving to your fellow man even though they do not worship at a kingdom hall?

    Whatever it is, find it. Let it push you to make brave choices, because that is when it gets really really good.

    We are all here for you. There is life on the other side. And it is wonderful.


  • asilentone

    If you are lurking, you can PM me if you are scared to post here.

  • Pubsinger

    I'll wave too!! Pub

  • Dagney


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Great post Dagney, thank you.

    Anyone else?

    It's awfully quiet round here these days....

  • passwordprotected

    My advice;
    Read Heb 13:13 and realise what Paul was saying and to whom. He was encouraging the Hebrew Christians who were still relying on their 1500 year old traditions to consider the Christ. He had to go outside the city of Jerusalem and be put to death. Along the way he suffered shame and was despised. He lost his good name and good standing in the community he came from. But he was glorified and taken up by his Father afterwards.

    Realising that the 'city' or 'camp' of the Society won't offer you protection and is perhaps even founded on lies and misinterpretation of Scripture, is very, very scary. I mean, like the Hebrews, the JW traditions go back a long way, and like the Hebrews the JWs claim to be the only people chosen by God.

    But, when we go outside the camp, find Christ and suffer with him, our Heavenly Father will protect and guide and strengthen and bless us.

    It's painful at first being here, but once you've freed your mind the feeling is incredible. And while most of us here have suffered, some are still sore, I'm confident none of us would say it wasn't worth it.

    Keep Psalm 27 in your heart too.

  • freedomfighter

    Some good advice here. Sweet pea - i like this one too - If it is The Truth, then it MUST be able to stand up to ALL criticism. Truth is truth and is solid. If we can shake it up, and pull it apart, have doubts etc then it's not Truth. To me, that's very simple. FF

  • MissingLink

    Dont believe anything anyone tells you. Especially if they're claiming to be sent from God. Don't take the word of people here either. Whatever you hear - check it out for yourself. You gotta do some digigng to find out that most of what you hear is a bunch of crap that sounds good on the surface. It's easy to be a sucker.


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