eating three cans of Rosarita refried beans, a dozen hard-boiled eggs, steamed cabbage and broccoli, and guzzling a few beers. If you can't empty the kingdom hall with facts, maybe it's time to gas 'em out of there with a cacophony of farts!
I want to go to the Kingdom hall after . . .
by 144001 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think you want to be an elder know, the obese elders who get the benifit of the doubt. Their thyroid is out and they shit on themselves..........but they have holy spirit. Ya and they blow alot of ass too. Which comes first?
Oh man that reminds me of a 2nd School incident......... we all cleared out of there fast.....I am sure they boys planned it too!
El Kabong
Maybe you will be able to fart to the tune of "Move Ahead".
be careful it does not backfire on you - I'm thinking Acts2:1&3 especially if you take a lighter.
I want to go to a KH, December 31st, 1914.... end will be before this generation my big white ass!
be careful it does not backfire on you - I'm thinking Acts2:1&3 especially if you take a lighter.
And remember if you sit next to the PO's wife she may say
"How dare you break wind before my husband"(old joke I know)