Then maybe this twisted nightmare can end, finally.
So lately I haven't been doing much in the meetings. Well that has been the case for a while, but lately I have pretty much shut down. I sit there and listen. I sometimes even look at the material before the meeting. But I seldom comment in the book study and never in the Watchtower study. I used to be a ministerial servant some years ago but I have no desire to return to that. She has been beating up on me about that lately. This morning she about had a fit because I didn't comment in the book study.
"You are supposed to be setting an example for your children and working for the congregation!" She exploded all over the van. She then says that I will be destroyed and so will everyone else if I don't start doing what they tell me to, namely commenting at all the meetings.
Well, it's been nice knowing you all. Somewhere in scripture (though I don't know where) apparently Yahweh has decreed that people who don't comment enough will be gutted like fish. If I was more spiritual I guess I could find it.