Your thoughts are not your own......................

by Warlock 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    Your thoughts are not your own.

    Think about it.


  • crazyblondeb

    No, there is a pesky bat flying around.......I'd love to swat it with a broom!!

  • Mary

    what choo talkin' bout Warlock..............

  • SuperApostateGirl

    Hmm..Your "Ego" just figured that out now, Celebration Please!

  • Warlock

    what choo talkin' bout Warlock..............
    I'm just babblin'. Warlock

  • Satanus

    If they aren't mine, will their rightful owner please come and get em? Got too many, anyhow.


  • Warlock
    Hmm..Your "Ego" just figured that out now, Celebration Please!


    Actually, I just decided to post the thread 'now'.

    I've been thinking about it for a couple of years.

    Talk about procrastination.


  • MadGiant

    You are probably right. Usually a person takes a line of thoughts or an idea from other sources and analyzes it.

    Then comes the important part, our experiences, values and believes kicks in and either modify, agrees, add, subtract or rejects parts or all thoughts.

    Either way, ones we start with the analysis, the thoughts become our own.


  • iceguy

    How can I think about it if its not my own thoughts?

  • jaguarbass

    We dont see things as they are we see things as we are. How we have been programed.

    Many peoples thoughts come from tv, radio, movies, commercials, and the newspappers. All mediums owned by the masters, the programers with the purpose to make us consuming zombies in a hypnotic trance.

    We work our lifes away to buy junk we dont need.

    Because we have someoneelses thoughts in our head.

    Young people go to war because they have someoneelses thoughts in their head.

    Jw's die for not taking blood transfusions because they have someoneelses thoughts in their head.

    How do you wake up from the trance?

    Start taking notes. Write yourself letters. Decide what you want. Make yourself goals and pursue them.

    But even after that, I doubt you will have many original thoughts.

    Your thoughts will not be your own. But you will be responsible for what your thoughts make you do or get you into, and some will also reap the rewards of their thoughts.

    The bible says God knew us before we were born. He says some were made for good some for bad.

    Ephesians 1:4 Even before the foundation of the world he chose us so that we should be blameless and holly before him.

    Romans the 9th chapter talks about predestination. 9:21 talks how the potter, God, has controll over the clay to make one pot for an honorable use and one for a disshonerable use.

    Romans 9:18 says God has compasion on whoever he wills and hardens whoever he wills.

    Romans 9:15 says I will have mercy on who I will have mercy on and I will have compassion on who I will have compassion on.

    Romans 9:16 says It depends not on human will or exertion but on God who shows mercy.

    Romans 9:17,18 paraphrased. God hardened Pharohs heart so God could show his power.

    The bible is Gods story, His story, History. We are actors in his play.We are reciting our lines.

    The lines are his. At the end we will have been in and witnessed the play.

    Our thougts are his thoughts not our thougths.

    We vibrate at various rates. Thoughts are energies vibrating at various rates. Some thoughts are more appealing to us than others because of the rate we vibrate at and the rate they vibrate at.

    We embrace various thoughts and reject other thoughts. That appears to be the mechanism that God is using and has programed into our various vessels of honor and dishonor.

    This was not my thought either most of it came from the Bible the 9th Chapter of Romans and a little came from physics and quantum physics.

    Most people will find this unacceptable. For one, society and many people want everyone to be responsible for their actions.

    Well we are responsible, if you vibrate at a rate society finds unappealing they have restrictive, accomidations room and board for you.

    Still people vibrate at the wrong speed and do the wrong thing, In my county we have over 3,000 out of a million locked up every day.

    For some of them being locked up is the only time they hear about God and the bible. God and Jesus live in the jail kind of like Santa Clause lives in the North pole.

    Thats my 2 cents on your thoughts are not your own....... for tonight.

    I am sure most will take exception.

    Dont blame me because the above are not my thoughts.

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