Personality disorders among jw elders

by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I had one that singled me out on a talk. I was supposedly working on warmth and enthusiasm, which they should reasonably have known I could not do properly without hope with the opposite sex (which they blew on the promise of). This idiot gave me a W on that point, after I had previously been marked I on the same point (and this idiot was not known for giving W's first and asking questions later--at least then I could have understood that he was just picky).

    This same hounder also continually dallied at the Kingdumb Hell after promising me rides back and forth. He would tell me "Just a minute", upon which I would start timing. As soon as a minute elapsed, he was inevitably gabbing away or hounding someone else. Invariably it would run more than ten minutes into his "minute", and he said he meant a New York minute (which is even shorter than a clock minute). I don't know what he was hoping to accomplish, but it didn't take me long to realize that this humanoid was out to bust up anything fun from my life (as were the other hounders).

    And he wondered why I continually turned in field circus reports with only one hour a month, and then I turned them in late.

  • sammielee24

    ..I think the organization is chock full of personality disorders at every level. It takes an emotional disconnect to ones own family for a mother or father to abandon their child - regardless of their level within the society. It takes a mental deficiency at all levels to be able to overlook the pain and heartache that someone suffers at the hands of the organization and still be able to say 'wait on Jehovah'. sammieswife.

  • IMHO

    I've met more than my fair share of 'control freaks'

  • badboy


  • 2112

    I had a bunch of elders that were kooks. I can't say for sure that they had "disorders" but they were kooks. I am an entertainer and I have never had a problem in front of an audience, and I would always do well in the school. My father would tell me I do too much research for a school part and that all I needed to do was work on the point in the school guide book not the material. Anyway our school overseer, our third or fourth since I started in the school, would always tear my presentations apart and then "reluctantly" move me to the next point. So the night I was to work on eye contact, I get up and give my presentation and he just ripps me saying that I did a lousy job, yes he used that term, saying I did not make eye contact at all. There were gasps from the congregation and even some comments saying I made a lot of eye contact, this too was during my "public rebuke." So I was told to repeat that point and was assigned another talk about two weeks later. I went up to do my part and I did not take a single note, book, or Bible with me. I just stood there and staired right at this guy, right in hie eyes. I gave my part, ended it on time and sat down. As I sat, the entire congregation was on edge waiting for my "council." Well the PO got up for my review and said I did a fantastic job. I don't know if the school overseer was not allowed or if he did not want to do it but either way he did not look at or speak to me for weeks.

  • willyloman

    Cognitative dissonance takes its toll. CD is defined as the ability to hold two conflicting thoughts or opinions at the same time. Dubs have to be able to do this because their doctrines and theories are constantly undermined by the evidence all around them. They learn to absorb the dissonance and compartmentalize their doubts.

    It turned us into social misfits, as someone pointed out. Of course, some personalities do "social misfit" better than others! They can pull it off and appear to be fairly "normal." But it costs them something.

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