i am listening to the radio and heard that a town outside newyork has banned santa.
because two families complained that they didnt celebrate christmas and it infringed thier rights
guess what religion
by josephus 5 Replies latest jw friends
i am listening to the radio and heard that a town outside newyork has banned santa.
because two families complained that they didnt celebrate christmas and it infringed thier rights
guess what religion
How does looking at Santa infringe on anybody's rights? I have the right to look at Santa, don't I?
guess what religionUmm, Jehovah's Witnesses?
"Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford
Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]
hey joeseafish where you going with that gum in your hand? jiminy hendrix.
i heard there's towns outside newyork too .. lots of 'em, like the ones run by vigilantees and they vote for the sheriff and shoot black hippies on sight and if you don't become a mormon you gotta marry yer cousins and stuff. america must be just like scotchland. i wonder if there's towns outside galahganbone?
ha ha - it must be that Jewish woman out of Southpark ...
"Now, does anyone know any non-denominational, non-religion christmas songs we can sing?"
OK Simon:
We've laid the cables and the wires
We've split the wood and stoked
the fires
We've lit our town so there is no
Place for crime to hide
Our little church is painted white
And in the safety of the night
We all go quiet as a mouse
For the word is out
God is in the house
No cause for worry now
God is in the house
Moral sneaks in the White House
Computer geeks in the school house
Drug freaks in the crack house
We don't have that stuff here
We have a tiny little Force
But we need them of course
For the kittens in the trees
And at night we are on our knees
As quiet as a mouse
For God is in the house
And no one's left in doubt
God is in the house
Homos roaming the streets in packs
Queer bashers with tyre-jacks
Lesbian counter-attacks
That stuff is for the big cities
Our town is very pretty
We have a pretty little square
We have a woman for a mayor
Our policy is firm but fair
Now that God is in the house
Any day now He'll come out
God is in the house
Well-meaning little therapists
Goose-stepping twelve-stepping Tetotalitarianists
The tipsy, the reeling and the drop down pissed
We got no time for that stuff here
Zero crime and no fear
We've bred all our kittens white
So you can see them in the night
And at night we're on our knees
As quiet as a mouse
Since the word got out
From the North down to the South
For no-one's left in doubt
There's no fear about
If we all hold hands and very quietly shout
God is in the house
Oh I wish He would come out
God is in the house
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
I wonder where jahooover hides. He used to hang in solomons temple, but that got wiped out. Did they get him too?
It would be interesting finding out what the complainers' beliefs were. Then again, if a bunch of people became satanists, and had a celebration w statues of him all over the place, there would be a lot of complaints.