Marking, how is it supposed to work?

by searcher 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • searcher

    I read at that witnesses..

    Marking is practiced if a person's course of action is regarded as a violation of Bible principles, reflecting badly on the congregation, but is not a disfellowshipping offense. [104] The person is strongly counseled. If, after repeated counsel sessions, the person still pursues the disturbing course, he might be 'marked', which involves an announcement stating that the actions in question are wrong, without naming the individual involved. Congregation members limit social contact with that person. The purpose of this is to is to shame the person into correcting his actions. [105] They do not completely shun the 'marked' individual, but are instructed to “continue admonishing him as a brother.” [106]

    It clearly states,

    the person still pursues the disturbing course, he might be 'marked', which involves an announcement stating that the actions in question are wrong, without naming the individual involved.

    and then goes on to state,

    They do not completely shun the 'marked' individual, but are instructed to “continue admonishing him as a brother.”

    So, if the marked individual is not named, how do the rest of the congregation know who to “continue admonishing him as a brother.”?

  • Hope4Others

    Unfortunately the way people talk most of the cong. know who the individual is, I have never seen otherwise.

    Usually a talk is given 2 weeks after the announcement as local needs, you can usually pick out what is was

    by what is in the talk.


  • WTWizard

    That is just another tool they have to keep people in line with the pettiest of rules. And for single men, it can be even worse than getting disfellowshipped--at least then you wouldn't be getting hounded to start fixing the problems (that usually are not real problems).

  • blondie

    The name is not announced from the platform, but jws will gossip, especially elders and their wives, of course just to their "close" friends. Sometimes the offense is so specific (marrying or dating a non-jw) and only one person is doing so in the congregation, people know who is being singled out. I have to admit there were times I didn't have a clue who it was, but then I was never in the gossip loop, by design not accident.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    This is not a bible teaching so whats up with that? Marking people like a dog marks it's territory how stupid!

  • jgnat

    Besides, those overzealous in the congregation will avoid anyone who might-possibly be "marked". Just to be on the safe side. I've read a few stories here of the teen children of single parents or "divided households" who were excluded from the social scene or frequently brought up for judicial action. You know, just in case. Bad seed.

    This is supported biblically by the story of the lone lamb who wanders away from the herd. Away from the group, hungry and cold, it weakens and dies.

  • civicsi00

    If they stop inviting you to weddings/graduation parties/etc, then you have been officially "marked"!

  • Dagney

    Yeah, I'd like to know too!

    I thought it was a warning to the congregation, spoken from the platform. But I am marked privately by a local elder who did not want his family associating with me. Thus:

    If they stop inviting you to weddings/graduation parties/etc, then you have been officially "marked"!
  • Georgiegirl

    In retrospect, I think it's the greatest tool in the world for helping people leave. I was "unofficially" marked (no talk that I know of) but was treated pretty much like a non-person. No one would sit with me, barely greeted except for by one or two elders, excluded from social gatherings, family didn't speak to me...and what I learned was - I could totally survive without my family, friends, and congregation. It made it easy to fade. At the time, it was devastating. The irony is that I was marked for bad judgment - not for doing anything really wrong. (rolling eyes)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Just recently, I'm learning that I too can live without family or friends. I'm so freakin' busy that all I have to do is dive into my homework and study the hours away. I've got other friends and places to go and see. I'm fine!

    Ugh... it'll pass...

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