Personal and Family needs are of secondary importance says the WT

by iloowy 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • iloowy

    The Letter / Outline S-337b-08-S 11/97--Página 2 Has this on the first line:

    "Atender las necesidades personales y de la familia es un objetivo secundario (1Ti 6:6-8; w96 1/2 14 párr. 22)"

    Basically it's saying that personal and family needs are a secondary objective.

    This is the letter that was spoken about in the post "INTRIGUE IN MADRID".

    The letter was leaked out and faxed, scanned then made into a pdf.

    You can find a copy in the JWD archives or the where it first came out. I saved a copy on my harddisk and if you'd like a copy of the pdf send me a PM, I only have it in Spanish. The translation is available in the JWD archives also.


  • shamus100

    I don't see what all the fuss is about, not that I'm at all criticizing you for pointing it out.

    Family always has been, and always will be secondary. For those that need it in paper form, I guess they have it now.

  • iloowy

    Yeah, it's like stating the obvious.

    But some people really want to see it in print.

    Of course the WT had told COs that these outlines aren't to be copied or distributed, not even shown to elders.

    But thanks to some still active in the Spanish congregations it got leaked out.

    With regards.



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