When I was reading the post that was looking for the policy on higher education it suddenly occurred to me -
Most of us who were COs, elders, pioneers, or in an elders' family (hope that covers everyone who would be considered "privileged" and "truly spiritually-minded") were constantly reminded that we had to be shining examples for the rank and file. We were reminded (and pressured) to conform - it was unthinkable to consider a 4-year college, unthinkable to even entertain talking to a disfellowshipped person (even if a family member), etc etc.
The rest of the rank and file only get these reminders at meetings IF they are listening or in the literature IF they are studying (not highlighting). Therefore, they do not seem as important to them and they do not realize that these are actual directives by the GB. They might wonder why they never progress or are given privileges or are part of the "popular" crowd, but they are not as exposed to these policies as we have been.
Therefore, we see comments like - "that's not true about shunning because in MY family" or "they aren't really against education, just making it your priority". That kind of thing used to drive me nuts until I realized - of course they don't know! THEY don't have to be "examples for the rest of the congregation" and have to conform as strictly. Every single thing I did, said, or wore, every friend I had, every movie I saw, every book I read, every social outing I went to - was discussed in my household as to whether or not it was setting an example for everyone else. There are relatively few "ranking" families in each congregation - which means the depth of indoctrination/pressure is different - it's just ignorance from lack of knowledge when people don't "get it".