Got a copy and been reading it , the first chapter about how God doesn't like human suffering nor causes any of it seems like a fallacy to me .There are plenty of accounts where he personally killed allot of people , noahs ark , moses and pharoah ,It's pretty obvious that God likes to play God and the new testament says he will cause allot more suffering against his enemies . Anybody else with an opinion?
What does the bible really teach ....
by heathen 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The book that would be more interesting to debate ,and for the public to read ,would be called"What does the Watchtower really teach?"
Maybe I'll write it soon.
Does the bible TEACH anything? You can get all kinds of conflicting teachings out of it. Indeed, for centuries people have been treated horribly because of teachings from the bible. If it teaches anything coherent, it would be soemthing to the affect that it's better to live from the acumulation of proven human knowledge than from out of a goddamn book.
S -
I prefer to find useful metaphors in the Bible, not to view it as the indisputable Word of God. I don't think that it is. I am not sure if there is a Higher Being or not, but if there is I am pretty sure he didn't have anything to do with the Biblical text. It does not in any way make logical sense. It's quite clearly written to be used as a thought/action control device and that is exactly what it is being used for. There are some redeeming stories, passages, and verses there that are useful but to believe in a God that has repeated temper tantrums and throws his blocks all over the playroom floor every time something doesn't go the way he wants it ... That's crazy.
I thought the same thing with the "what does the watchtower say the bible says", kind of approach .I do believe in a higher power and just because people have used the bible for evil does not mean the book itself is evil , people use anything they can get to do evil , if people followed jesus teachings we would be in paradise instead they mix it with politics or paganism thus corrupting it or using it to control and manipulate .In effect the devil causes way more suffering .God himself is judge, jury and executioner and only acts in accord with divine law and does explain why he does things in the bible.
It is what is in a man's heart that corrupts him...
If people truly followed even just what Jesus spoke about on the Sermon on the Mount, life might be a little easier sometimes...
Really , I mean who can say that jesus caused any problems when he only spoke about love ? happy are the peaceable for they shall be called sons of God .
First, the book is misnamed. It should be "What does the Washtowel Really Teach?". That is more like what the book actually describes. There are plenty of scriptures that can prove that the Washtowel blatantly does not teach what is in the Bible (Ephesians 2:8-9 is the most blatant that I can think of, and there are many others).
Second, if God really did hate suffering, then why doesn't He do something to end it? What does He have to prove, besides that there will always be a few people that will obey no matter what, by creating problems where none needed to exist and not removing problems that shouldn't have existed? Nothing! And if He would have stopped frustrating personal needs that He created us with or allowing man to do the same and then exploiting the situation for His own nefarious purposes, then perhaps there would have been more to love about Him.
I think ephesians is saying that we ought not to boast in ourselves not that there isn't work to be done as jesus did use parables showing that work was needed , don't have a problem with that .True he could put all suffering out of the way but he does have a personal agenda and a schedule aparently . For now people can be grateful that they have not been destroyed in Gods wrath .