The commission from Jesus to all his disciples is to "Go therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them ..." You may have associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for some time. If so, you have likely noticed that all Jehovah's Witnesses are engaged in this life-saving work of baptizing. (1 Peter 3:21) As you have studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, you have no doubt heard talks discussing the importance of baptism.
You might have reached a point where you feel motivated to baptize others. However, you may find in your life some customs or beliefs that would be inappropriate for a person presenting themselves to the public as a qualified unbaptized baptizer of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It is our heartfelt desire that you fully understand what God requires of you before you begin to baptize others. Your Bible study conductor will be happy to share with you these reasonable requirements, and the local elders can meet with you when you feel you are ready to personally engage in the most important work we have in this time of the end, that of calling people to repentance and baptism. (Acts 2:38)
Obviously, Jesus did not intend for Matthew 28:19, 20 to apply to unbaptized people.