Does anyone know where I can get therapy/couciling for problems related to J.W. upbringing.Needs to be in Northern europe.
by Jon 2 Replies latest jw friends
I wish I could recommend someone to you, but I'm in Dallas, Texas. I have a counselor that was recommended to my by several people, although she had no experience with JW other than when they came to her door, she is a great counselor. Any GOOD therapist will be willing to listen extra hard and educate themselves in JW history and beliefs. A previous counselor of mine (from years ago) actually went out and bought a book on cults and Crisis of Conscience. I thought, "Omigod, he's reading apostate material!" and it scared me enough to stop seeing him. Haha! Looking back, I realize he was just trying to get a fuller understanding of JW beliefs. Just try to get a reputable counselor - help him understand you by educating him during your sessions.
PS: I would not have made it without my personal therapy. I think it is so important to have a neutral ear listening and giving feedback. Friends can only do so much!
Hi, Jon. Welcome to the board. I see you're a newbie, so you might not know that some of our most prominent posters here are from your part of the world. Maybe Kent Steinhaug, Jan Haugland, or Norm Hovland, all of whom live in Norway, would know of a therapist.
Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace
I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix