The vultures are circling, beware.

by free2beme 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I remember when I first left the religion and was open about it with work mates and friends. I had all sorts of people suddenly asking, "Would you like to go to my church" or even had someone ask if I wanted to speak to a deprogrammer. Which, if you do not know what a deprogrammer is. It is a jackass who takes and tries to tell you that all you learned with the Witness religion was wrong and pushes you to accepting his stupid version of Christianity. Often they are extreme, even more f'ed up cults, then the one you exited. I know others here must have had these "vulture" type personalities after you, as I have heard it mentioned here before. Annoying as hell!!!!

    So now this website is closing, and suddenly I get some messages from people trying to do the same dam think in my PM on this site. What in the hell are these dumb asses thinking? Do they think this website is some sort of cult religion or something that replaced the Witnesses, and they some how in their elustrious wisdom know what is best for us. Am I alone in thinking this, or getting these off the wall PM's? To anyone thinking of doing this with me, read my profile. I am more then happy with what I believe and where my life is going and don't need some hair brained preaching attempt to save my soul.


  • Finally-Free

    It's probably because you're too nice. If you were a cranky bastard like me no one would try to recruit you.


  • free2beme

    I think I am cranky at times. Those times are when people are trying to convert me to a religion.

  • shamus100

    Tell them to get lost.

  • ColdRedRain

    In my personal experience, there's really nothing different between most Christian churches and the Jehovah's Witnesses, other than the former are allowed to have blood transfusions.

  • lawrence

    CRR- every church, KH, "'gathering", or ecclesia would throw Jesus out. They would have to, to maintain their self righteousness. The vultures are everywhere, the issue is, where is the carcass?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Devious corrupt people will always try and get others to support their own personal agenda, look no further than the JWS

    and some times they look for others to help them to put a righteous white sheet over them.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Have you tried telling them that you're starting your own Free2beme Congregation?

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    I now only deal with those who "invite me in," as far as religious/spiritual information dissemination goes.

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