The pain and suffering over alienation of family members can only be understood fully by those who have experienced it. With us it is the separation and shunning from our oldest daughter and her three children. We have not seen her in over 25 years. And we only had word from her a couple of times during that period. The last time she requested that we not write any more. We have not even seen our grandchildren (3) in that time.
I can not fully blame my daughter since we brought her up as a Jehovah's Witness. But I do blame the leaders of the organization for the inhuman and cruel policies they created to separate and divide families. And it should be noted that these policies changed over the years for the worse. It has caused untold heartache for thousands. As long as our loved ones remain in the organization, we can not freely break away as others have. We carry this heartache with us.
But we have learned to live with it and get along with our lives. My last word to my daughter was that our house was always opened to her and to her family. We still hope that she will return someday.