I dont know what choice we can make today, since there is no tree of the knowledge of good and bad to eat from, or to not eat from.
Yes there is. The tree of knowledge of good and bad is right in your front yard. You encounter it every day.
It is the choices you make and every decision and action you take.
Your conscious tells you if its right or wrong. You know in your heart when your motives are selfish or altruistic.
A big problem is that some people are not free to make the choices they want to make. Why? Because of obligation or oath.
There are many many many people who have joined groups or clubs where there is a vow of loyalty taken. Some may be called "secret societies". But some may even be just like the bOrg. You have taken an oath through baptism to worship the org and follow its dictates. They disguise their figurehead by calling it some invisible holy thing like the Federal Slave. Might as well call it the Easter Bunny. By any other name, it is still the same. It is the corporate dictator with a mask.
Now, you may know that it is wrong to turn your back on a family member because some non-existant Easter Bunny says you have to. It feels wrong in your heart. So your mind justifies it through obligation. You accept that you are owned by this "Jehovah" who is an unseen and unknown dictator in your life. You accept the story that this Jehovah speaks directly to the Federal Slave and that you are to obey these orders he passes on to you. Because you have taken an oath of loyalty by baptism and the questions, you have obligated yourself to do as you are told, you are not free to make the choice you may feel is the morally right choice.
So whether its a secret society or the grip of a religious organization, they both operate on the same principle.