When did they start believing in 2 classes?

by startingover 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    I know that contrary to what most JW's understand, the Bible Students believed that Jesus returned in 1874 and that the end of the world was to be in 1914. Can anyone tell me if they believed there were 2 classes back then, or was everyone going to heaven? Any links or quotes would be helpful.


  • insearchoftruth

    No quotes, but I believe it was the 1918/1919 timeframe when the calling for a heavenly hope was originally sealed (with the seal now broken), what appears to be the cause was the growth at that time exceeded the 144K, so had to figure out someplace for the others (sheep).

  • Alwayshere

    startingover, I believe it was 1931. If I can find any info. I will get back.

  • AnnOMaly

    There were more than 2 classes. This is a summary of "the classes" as presented in "The Finished Mystery" (1917), p. 575-6:

    The Classes. — In the Kingdom there will be several distinct classes, according to opportunity and degree of faithfulness in ages preceding establishment of the Kingdom.
    The priests will be the glorified Little Flock, faithful unto death, sons of God, the Righteous One (Zadok, righteous), who during the Gospel Age "kept the charge of God's Sanctuary," by faithfulness to the Word of God at any cost. They will be "of the Divine nature." — Ezek. 40:44-46; 43:18-27; 44:15-31; 45:4; 48:10-12.
    The antitypical Levites (Great Company), will have spirit nature akin to the angelic, because though during the Gospel Age they were also begotten of the Spirit, sons of God (Zadok, righteous), they "went astray from God, after their idols;" they ministered unto the people before their idols and caused the house of Israel (Christendom) to fall into iniquity. They shall hear their iniquity." — Ezek. 44:10-14; 45:5; 48:13-14.
    The Ancient Worthies (the Prince), who in the Jewish Age were faithful unto death amid incredible trials of faith (Heb. 11), will during the 1,000 years be of the perfect human nature, and will be on earth the visible leaders and rulers of mankind. — Ezek. 44:1-3; 45:7-17, 21-25; 46: 16-18; 48:21-22.
    The servants of the city will be of the perfect human nature, and engaged in the multifarious duties of a world wide government. They will be taken from amongst mankind. Some are spoken of as servants and some as sons of the Ancient Worthies. — Ezek. 48:18-19; 46:16-18.
    The people of the Kingdom will be first the resurrected Hebrews, making progress during the 1,000 years toward human perfection, but who in previous ages had not been consecrated, to God and had been far astray from Him. (Romans 1.) — Ezek. 43:7-9; 44:6-12, 15, 19, 23-30; 45:6-21; 46:1-3, 9-10; 47:13-14; 48:11,18-19, 23-29.
    The "strangers" will be the resurrected billions of humanity, not Jews, who gaining the heart circumcision of a conscience cleansed by the blood of Jesus, shall be as though born to the same conditions as the Hebrews. None of them shall have part in the direct service of God. — Ezek. 44:9; 47:22-23; Zech. 14:20-21; Numbers 31:47; Joel 3:17; Joshua 9:22-27; Rev. 21:27. - http://www.strictlygenteel.co.uk/finishedmystery/fme40-48.html

    In 1931/2 (source: the "Vindication" series), the 3 main classes were,


    the Little Flock, royal, co-heirs, Christ/anointed class;

    The Great Company/Multitude who were originally spirit-anointed but became spiritually negligent and had to undergo the great tribulation to get to serve in the heavenly temple;


    The Jonadabs, who were still part of Satan's organization but not sympathizers with it. They were the 'sighing and groaning' ones. In the early '30s they were encouraged to become consecrated or dedicated to the Lord.

    In 1935, at that momentous Convention, Rutherford merged the Great Multitude class with the Jonadab class and gave them an earthly hope. Hey presto! 2 classes.

  • startingover

    Thank you thank you. Just what I needed.

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