Would you get disfellowshipped for this?

by ballistic 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Going back to 1889 and telling them that the new system will not arrive until at least 2001?

    or even...

    Going back to 1975 and telling them that the new system will not arrive until at least 2001?

    and will I be asking the same question in 2051 about the situation now?

  • Eyebrow

    I think you would be considered an apostate.

  • outnfree

    I always thought 2004 (Shhhhhhhh! Can't remember now, but it was some calculations I did based on Daniel Ch. 12 or something... lol)

    But, yep! You'd be "running ahead" and so they'd have run you right out!


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • JeffT

    Back about 1980 a large number of people in a congregation near mine were disfellowshipped for speculating that the 1914 generation thing was symbolic, not literal.

    I wonder if they all got reinstated in 1995?

  • Pureheart

    Hey Ballistic,

    Would you get disfellowshipped for this?
    Is the sky blue? Are red roses red? Are the United States in America?You betcha your "arse" you would!

    LOL, Pureheart

  • ashitaka

    Yep..I'm sending out christmas cards this year, and methinks that I would get DF'D too...lol



    Hey ballistic,if before 1975 you would have said the new system will not be here in 1975.You would have been chewed out.If you kept it up you would have been thrown out.Thats how things were,thats how things are...OUTLAW

  • zanex

    if my memory serves me correctly any idea or thought which is in contradiction to what is currently being spread by the society is a one way ticket out of the society...not that bein ousted is a bad thing tho...(grin)

  • Simon

    You mean I have to keep the site running for another 50 years?

    Oh Lordy!

  • thewiz

    are you kidding!

    They'd be chippin' away at that old Giza pyramid from the Divine Plan of the ages if they had too, too kick your ass out.

    In the voice of Edward G. Robinson: "Where's your ass now ballistic, where's your ass noooooooowwwwww, on the outside, that's where...ya trouble maker."

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