Republican, Democrat, Independent, or anywhere around the world.....We all want to raise happy, well adjusted children. So why is it, the Republicans in America claim they are the family value party.
Are we not all valuing families?
It is obvious that abstinence/no education or education for teenagers regarding sex seems to make no difference.....its going to depend on the teenager.
That whether you are prolife or prochoice, in the end in it will be up to the individual and many change their minds once in that position.
That most women find raising their children themselves if they can, is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world?
That grandchildren are a special joy.
That in the end your family is most important and what we all individually work to take care of?
That in the end this is why so many exjws are pissed because their family was torn apart by religion?
So are political parties really so far apart on family values?