A couple of JW friends attempted to encourage me and invited me to travel with them to the DC. Overall I had a good time and enjoyed their company. However, I went to all 3 days of the DC and nothing happened. There were not even feelings of nostalgia. No light-bulb moment of if being the 'truth'. It really was all blah, blah,blah...blah. The entire time the folks I traveled with really tried to talk up the practical benefits of being a JW.
It was hilarious to see that FreeMinds had a table set-up outside of the DC when we exited for the lunch intermission. Although to the JW that's simply a fullfillment of bible prophecy.
Anyway, so far their plan hasn't worked. So I'm sure they will stop calling, etc. Also, there was no mention of education at all at this DC. It was actually fairly light when it came to the information. Nothing mentioned on apostates either. Nothing major on the use of the internet other than warnings about porn. I'm not sure if folks on this board 'spice up' what they hear at the DC or if maybe the speakers will throw in their own two cents from time to time at various DCs. I actually found it somewhat boring.
That's the latest with me...how are you doing?