Gotta love The Onion
by startingover 5 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe I'm just getting old....but is this guy for real?????
h40 -
was even visited at his home by two representatives from the Jehovah's Witnesses, which Pritchard said was flattering, but "came off as a little too desperate."
I just said that.
Credit goes to M. Link... although I did capitalize "The" and you didn't.
I LOVE the Onion. I remember the first time I became aware of it was at a bookstore. I spotted "Our Dumb Century" and was just leafing thru the pages when i came across an article that purported to be quoting Jessie Helms' support of a Mapplethorpe exhibit saying (and I quote) "We need more of those hot, hot cocks"
I knew who Jessie Helms was at the time so i had all I could do not to erupt with laughter
Now I get the Onion daily updates by e-mail, I especially like the horoscopes