yesterday i had the privilege of taking part in northern irelands local democracy.
i went down to the elections for my local "residents association". The room was full (about 60 people)
the chairman got up to talk.
he began by reading out a speech which he said he hadnt written himself.
at this point i was concerned.
we then moved on to the election of commitee members. they have control of about one million pounds.
they asked for nominations, from the back it began,
"i nominate billy" "i second it"
"billy" was duly elected.
this continued with at least 10 more men.
billy, boddy, william, davey, etc, etc, etc.
the fact that all these men were paramilitary terrorists, is of course neither here nor there.
the fact that they were voted into their positions by paramilitary terrorists is a coincidence.
now the majority of my "representatives" are ex prisioners.
they say they are going to build a new sports centre near my house.
any guesses what will happen to the money?
aint life grand.