A weird concept

by lauralisa 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • lauralisa

    I was just reading through the thread started by Sirona. Thanks, btw, Sirona, for providing the information in the Awake magazine about the WTBTS' take on the 9-11 tragedy... and for pointing out their crass capitalization of the event.

    It occurred to me that I wouldn't pick up an Awake or Watchtower magazine or accept one if it was offered. I'm intrigued and interested though if someone takes the time to make info contained in the mags available to illustrate a point or support an argument.

    Then I wondered:

    1. The society wants this information to be made public. How many stories have you heard about the person who found the torn, garbagy magazine on the railroad tracks and next thing you know, they're pioneering in some remote chilean mountain village, and hundreds of people are now building kingdom halls out of their spare socks and hair clippings.

    2. The society could make the information available on the www.

    3. Well then, why don't they?

    I know, the obvious is the obvious.... but think about just how dependent the borg is in every conceivable way on the manufacturing of these magazines. Without them, what would those hapless publishers have to talk about to people in their field service activities? Uh, talk about the bible? What would all of those bethelites DO if there were no manufacturing facilities to maintain and operate? Who would fill all of those ancillary servant roles, maintaining the lofty and venerated images of the governing body members and their supporting cast?

    Of course, not everyone has access to the web. Keeping the material available in written form is still arguably necessary.

    I keep wondering though... why don't they make the magazines' contents available on their website, if they are as invested in the information getting disbursed as they seem to be...

    Just a weird thought from a weirded-out person.


    If the world didn't suck, we would all fall off
  • blondie

    This site had their version of 9/11/2001.


    and this site does have the WT and Awake online


  • Zep
    I keep wondering though... why don't they make the magazines' contents available on their website, if they are as invested in the information getting disbursed as they seem to be...

    Why dont they just do letter drops. Why come to the bloody door to annoy the owner? You can tell they dont want to be there when they do...especially the teenage kids. I really feel sorry for the kids who come to the door tagging along behind a pompous parent. Boredom written all over their face while the older person rattles off some cliche' about how good WT and Awake magazines are.

    But back to my point: why dont they just dump pamplets in yer letter box and bugger off. It'd be quicker and more people would read them. As it is they go to the door and knock a few times and then the owner comes out and says bugger off I'm not interested...or just doesn't answer. They should just stick their magazines or pamplets in the letter box and go home and mow the lawn!

  • CornerStone

    Hi Lauralisa,

    I think the borg masters would have a lot of trouble defending their Wretchtower and Asleep! magazines on the web due to the world wide scrutiny they would draw.

    Every lie, every distortion, every misrepresentation would keep their legal dept. busy 24/7. All the false dates, false doctrines, misquotes and such would be there for immediate attack, and rightly so!

    And remember, the borg mindcontrol works BEST one drone at a time. The pile of cow patties they use for truth would not be effective in a mass type conversion. Those who oppose borg lies could access the web and compare truth with wretchtower lies. That is why they don't use TV. Their brand of cult works best ONE DRONE AT A TIME.


  • Prisca


    That is something I cannot understand about the WTS, although as has been discussed, they have very good reasons to keep their literature off the net as much as possible.

    It would be extremely logical to put the mags on the net, but then, how many of their decisions ever made sense, anyway?

  • lauralisa

    Blondie: Thank you... I stand corrected! I haven't visited the official JW website for over a year.

    I guess my underlying issue was not so much their making the info available on the net. My little mind got itself all twisted up there for a few minutes as I tried to conceptualize what the organization would consist of if there were no magazines to publish.

    It got me thinking about some things:

    How integral is the income generated by the production and distribution of the magazines to the financial support of the WTBTS as an entity? Could it (the borg) exist at all if there was no magazine-publishing business to give it "structure", corporate identity and tax-relief?

    Would "Bethel" and its subsidiary branches have the reasons or means to exist without the publishing businesses they are engaged in?

    Since the homes of the "revered ones", holy ones, illuminated ones, GB: (people they train children to emulate, etc - every good dub wants their kid to aspire to bethel service) are in the branches, to what extent does this publishing business support and maintain the idolization and worshiping of men?

    Somehow, Jesus got his message across without billions of dollars in real estate assets and technology. Could the WTBTS leadership exist in the lifestyle to which it has become accustomed ... and enjoy the amount of control it maintains on its members... without the income generated from its rhetoric - spewing machinery.....?

    Zep, Cornerstone and Prisca.... agreed, agreed, agreed!

    I'm in a foul mood lately.... lauralisa

    If the world didn't suck, we would all fall off

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