Sorry folks, it's that time of the month and this is looking back to the wise words of the Watchtower 50 years ago.
Since Jesus said the poor would always be with us you can count on the Watchtower to provide insight in to the real meaning of Christianity:
THE charity drives in connection with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day occur as regularly as the perennial monsoons. In a downpour of editorial and oratorical tears the cry for money to help the poor goes out from press and pulpit, while on the relentless winds of advertising-by radio and television, billboard and poster, and by many tricky devices-the heart-touching appeal is carried to the public. So great is this deluge of propaganda and so emotionally touching is the appeal, in many instances the poor and needy themselves are victimized as the principal contributors. The saddest part of this distressing picture, however, is the fact that in addition to the ever-increasing number of those in need of physical assistance the people in general are spiritually and morally destitute and in a perilous condition.The Watchtower 12/01 1951 Page 731 - 733But why, thoughtful persons ask, do such conditions exist? In native Africa the religion of witchcraft and demonism is the basic cause, for it keeps the people in ignorance, superstition and fear. The same is true among all primitive races. The backward living conditions in India are primarily due to age-old religious superstitions and fears. In godless communistic countries, it is "Red religion", or the worship of the state, that holds the people in virtual captivity and slavery. And in Christendom, surprising as it may seem to some, the false religious teachings, creeds, traditions and commandments of men are both directly and indirectly responsible for the physical and spiritual misery of the poor, notwithstanding Christendom's showy display of charity.
It does not shift Christendom's responsibility to say that the increasing numbers of widows, orphans, cripples, and the mental, moral and physical wrecks of this age are only by-products of wars, crimes and calamities. It is Christendom herself that is largely responsible for such death-dealing conditions. Had Christendom chosen to do so she could easily have prevented World Wars I and II. If Christendom chose to be Christian her land would not be filled with crime, violence and immorality. And if the people of Christendom were taught God's laws and commandments her spiritual poverty would not exist.
The little charitable help the poor get from Christendom is like the crumbs the beggar Lazarus picked up from the rich man's table, while the dogs licked his ulcerous sores. Neither the crumbs nor the licking remedy the beggarly condition. Only Jehovah can effect a rescue.-Matt. 19:16-24; Luke 16:19-21; John 12:3-6.
Christendom with its food shelves, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, home building projects etc are providing just crumbs. The Watchtower has provided promises and promises and promises and if you wait long enough it will be all OK. They are so much better as the past 50 years has proved.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'