What do I make of all these things? If you are searching it is a journey.
What are you searcing for? Meaning, truth, understanding the world we live in.
I have been out of the tower since 83 and my beliefs have evolved.
I have been searching and examining for so long that I can pretty much say no belief I have found stands up to scrutiny and examination.
Were going to live till we die and then we will find out whats behind the door.
I would suggest if you want to believe in God dont read the bible. Just believe and have a personal relationship. Because reading studying and comprehending the bible leads to atheism.
The bible is a book writen by man to control men.
I read both of Franz's books in the 80's when I escaped the tower they gave me confidence that I was correct in leaving and that the organization was miss-representing itself. To me the tower was a false prophet to stay away from.
As far as being in the last days. I have several ways to look at it.
1 way is the JW's are not Gods chosen people, prophets, spokesmen and holders to the keys of the ark.
way 2. In life there have always been ups and downs good times bad times, hills and valleys. We are in a down time today at least in the US.
Way 3. There are certain hidden truths in the bible and the earth is subject to cataclysms and disasters from time to time based on several things. The time it takes men to evolve back to the technological state that we are now at is how long it takes for the next catastrophe to come along.
The time period that I come up with in my research is 8,000 to 12,000 years. They have dug up in Alaska frozen muck containing bones of lions, mastadons, horses, indicating that the earths poles have changed and there has been a climate change.
Zecahria Sitchin has translated the hyroglyphics of the Summerians to indicate that the earth is put through a cataclysm as a result of coming into the gravitational pul of planet x niberu.
It is speculated that planet x's return corresponds with the Mayan calander running out in 2012.
It is speculated that the Gods including Jehovah are on planet x.
Modern man do not know of this planet because it is on a 8 to 12,000 year orbit of the earth. But there is evidence of it in the sumerian text.
If this interst you you can also check out Chariots of the Gods by Vondaniken.
Along with works by zechariah Sitchkin.