ILoowy..Thanks for the link...............Back in the Day..YouKnow,was One of the "Best/Worst Trolls" on the Board..Many of you know know him as E-WatchMan..Or..Robert King.....I knew him,as YouKnow.....The man could go on and on,about anything..He could Drive a Crazy Man,Sane!..!LOL!!...................He was Slippery and Lied when it Suited him!..LOL!!..YouKnow and I,did not get along..He simply,was`nt Truthful...............ILoowy was kind enough to provide me with a link,to Robert King`s "PodCast"...................I finally got to hear YouKnow in a recording..I wanted to try to make sense of the man....I listened.....The man can go on and on about anything!..LOL!!.......He is Intelligent in some ways..And..Extremely Simple,in many other ways.....That explained a lot.....Try out the Link on ILoowys thread..I think most will have a good Laugh......It will be a shock to others,to see what we all escaped from.......................OUTLAW
.....ILoowy and E-Watchman.....
by OUTLAW 4 Replies latest jw friends
yadda yadda 2
Well despite his overenthusiasm and slippery record as YouKnow, I think Robert King can feel rather exonerated now with the financial system collapsing just as he has predicted for a long time (echoing Lyndon LaRouche on EIR).
He also slams the organisation on their child abuse stance, their UN treachery, the idolatry, their false 1914 teaching and chronology, etc etc....
So although he maintains sticking with the organisation and unfairly maligns Ray Franz, I don't know why he is so utterly reviled on this website.
wha happened?
probably because he thinks he is the loyal and discreet slave and only he can speak against the WTB&TS. If anyone else does then they are an apostate. he encourages others to stay in and yet he is df'd. Clearly a nut bar
Yadda Yadda2..The financial system has not collapsed..The stock market jumped 500 points yesterday..People made money!..LOL!!........Look at your post on this thread..You said,"YouKnow has a slippery record.".....People who are slippery are not Truthful!.....Do you admire hypocrites and liars?..LOL!!............
> He also slams the organisation on their child abuse stance,
> their UN treachery, the idolatry, their false 1914 teaching
> and chronology [...]
> although he maintains sticking with the organisation and
> unfairly maligns Ray Franz, I don't know why he is so utterly
> reviled on this website.Hey Yadda(2+2) I think you pretty much explained the reason
why he is "so utterly reviled" on this forum, exactly... i.e.
he slams the borganization but counsels one should stick with
it. And he maligns someone who left it for reasons of conscience.
Sounds to me like he can slam the borganization all he wants but
nobody, not nobody not no how, better say anything against it.
It really makes little sense to me, but that's just me and
you have your right to think otherwise, of course.With best regards still.