If it weren't so wrong, it would be funny. Thanks for posting that Heather.
John McCain is too old to handle the job - he probably forgot what he said five minutes ago. And that is being charitable. Either that, or he depends on American voters to forget what he said and also which party has been in the White House for the last 8 years. Change, my ass.
Letter in Sunday's Los Angeles Times:
Goldberg is going to have to come to grips with a painful fact: McCain is a geezer. How do I know? I am a geezer myself, and I recognize the condition a mile off.
Oh, yes, I revel in the idea that 70 is the new 60. I ride my bicycle 40 minutes every day; I still conduct an active business; I can still hammer a nail; and I take corners at 50 mph in my Porsche.
But physically I am not what I used to be, and neither is McCain. A fellow geezer can spot it in the careful way he carries himself. And, in a very short time, it will get worse.
He thinks about it every day. He thinks about it before anything else, before what he's going to have for breakfast and before the state of the union.
So the question may boil down to this: Do you want a president who can bound from his bed clear-eyed and alive, or can you wait around while he adjusts for a little spinal curvature, takes an aspirin for his arthritis, stands at the toilet for three minutes, steams in the shower for half an hour to clear his head, nods off after lunch and takes half a dozen pills every day?
Even if I could embrace his policies (which I admit I don't), I could not vote for a fellow geezer to fill the top spot in the nation.
Irwin Spector
Toluca Lake