I was just reminiscing over some of the old books from the past. I was looking more at the illustrations and pictures and came upon the picture on page 4 before chapter 1, in the old orange book "The Bible-Gods Word or Man's" published in the 1989. The same year as "Questions for Young People-Awnsers That Work" was published! Check out the person in the blue dress!!!
Is page 4 of "The Bible-Gods Word or Man's?" a picture of a crossdresser ?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 6 Replies latest watchtower medical
I don't have that book. Can anyone scan a pic?
Thanks Atlantis......thats what this forum is all about....Do you see what I mean? It is a little weird!
Gimme a break.
It was the 80's. Nobody waxed their eyebrows. Or anything else.
I thought it was a little more surprising to see that Jon Lovitz is a Jehovah's Witness.
Witness 007
Wow John Lovitz studying with an Asian cross dresser coool!