Please Lend Me Your Eyes & Ears & Heart ...

by snowbird 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • snowbird

    I arose at 4:47 this a.m. As a vigilant rooster heralded the dawn, I thought about you good folks at JWD.

    I said a prayer for all of us, especially Balsam. Her story on yesterday haunted me throughout the night.

    Around 5:30, I looked outside and saw the neighbor across the way sitting on her front porch awaitng her ride to work. I went out, and as she and I exchanged morning pleasantries, I thought how blessed we are to have jobs, a roof over our heads, and food in our pantries.

    I awakened my g'children, who grumbled as usual, and I gave thanks that they, my neighbors, and you good folks are in my life. I know that we harp and carp at each others (especially now, during the election), but let us never forget our purpose for being here.

    I have gained so much from the wisdom and insight shown by so many on this board. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you.


  • BurnTheShips

    Talk about an early riser!

  • snowbird

    Yep. Up with the chickens.


  • dinah

    You're sweet, Sylvia.

    I hardly ever read much here anymore. I'm so sick of politics! Really I think we should just elect a monkey. At least monkeys are entertaining and they don't have a hidden agenda. Seems I woke up a bit cynical this morning.

  • snowbird
    I hardly ever read much here anymore.

    Hey, Dinah. I know.

    I miss you and BFD.

    I hardly read at JWS. I can't figure out how to navigate over there.


  • dinah

    BFD is doing well. He's graduated to ex-exJW. He makes my heart about burst sometimes.

    I'll be glad when the elections are over so we can get back to what's important. Then I'll probably visit more often.

  • kzjw

    If you didn't cry reading that post from Baslaam...You are spiritually dead!

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