
by mrsjones5 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    According to the watchtower, will there be seasons on paradise earth? I wonder cuz I just ran across this scripture Genesis 8:22: "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease." The only pictures I have seen of watchtower paradise is of spring, summer, and maybe fall...never winter.


  • snowbird

    According to WT theology, everything in Paradise Earth, including the weather, will be restored to Edenic perfection.

    You can't sell Paradise with pictures of snow, fur hats, and boots, can you?


  • BurnTheShips
    You can't sell Paradise with pictures of snow, fur hats, and boots, can you?

    You can if you are living through a South Florida summer.

  • snowbird
    You can if you are living through a South Florida summer.


    The same here in South Alabama.


  • yknot


    After the phrase " For all the days the earth continues," there is a (*)...... the (*) says: " Lit., "Until all the days of the earth."

    Makes a person wonder if the earth continues to have all the seasons only until the end of the millenial reign......

    Yea not all winters are white or in need of heavy fleece wear.... our milder winters rarely dip below 50.

    Winter is also just a time when some plants go dormant.

  • halcyon

    so then India will still have the monsoon season (it's the physics of their location, unless the mountains crumble or the earth stops spinning there's nothing that can possibly change that) ... deserts will still be deserts (again, topography and physics!) ... hurricanes and tornadoes will still have to happen (they spread energy and heat) ... lightning storms ...

    Did you know that snowstorms can kill just people too? It's not just hurricanes and tornadoes.

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