Ahh the written review! I used to enjoy them as you could sit there and do something instead of listen to a bunch of brothers yap about the same ole same ole.
Anyway, I received this in the e mail and it is apparently thw questions for the upcoming written review. This way everyone can study. (Yeah right)
Anyway here it is...
1. Since faith is a fruit of God's spirit, people without faith are not =
seeking that spirit, or they are doing so for a wrong purpose or are =
resisting its operation in their lives. (Luke 11:13; Gal. 5:22) [rs p. =
129 par. 1] =20
2. Psalm 58:4 correctly indicates that the cobra has 'ears' that are not =
functional because it is naturally deaf. [Weekly Bible reading; see Rbi8 =
p. 1583.]
3. The "large army" of women mentioned at Psalm 68:11 were foreign =
female slaves that were released from captivity by the men of Israel =
when conquering enemy nations. [Weekly Bible reading; see w86 10/15 p. =
30 par. 6.]=20
4. If each person's moment and manner of death were already fixed at the =
time of birth or earlier, there would be no need to avoid dangerous =
situations or to care for one's health, and safety precautions would not =
alter mortality rates. [rs p. 138 par. 3]
5. Paul's remark "let no man ever look down on your youth" indicates =
that Timothy was just a teenager or in his early 20's. (1 Tim. 4:12) =
[w99 9/15 p. 29 pars. 1-3; p. 31 par. 2]
6. As recorded at Psalm 110:1, "my Lord" refers to Jesus. [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w94 6/1 p. 28 par. 5.]
7. In the book of Psalms, the name Jehovah appears about 700 times, and =
the abbreviated form "Jah," 43 times, so that all together the divine =
name is mentioned about 5 times, on the average, in each Psalm. [si p. =
104 par. 23]
8. Although Jesus is spoken of in the Scriptures as "a god," even as =
"Mighty God," nowhere is he spoken of as being almighty. (John 1:1; Isa. =
9:6; Gen. 17:1) [rs p. 150 par. 2]
9. A study of the book of Proverbs is, in fact, a study of Solomon's own =
wisdom. [si p. 106 par. 1]
10. The Bible's counsel, found at Proverbs 21:
17, to avoid "loving merriment" indicates that having fun is wrong =
because it takes time away from more important matters. [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w97 10/1 p. 27 par. 7.]
Answer the following questions:
II. What did Jesus' mild reproof of Martha point out? (Luke 10:40, 41) =
[w99 9 1 p. 30 par. 7]
12. To what "glory" did Jehovah take the psalmist? (Ps. 73:24) [Weekly =
Bible reading; see w86 12/15 p. 28 par. 3.]
13. What view of service privileges does the
psalmist express as recorded at Psalm 84:
1-3? [Weekly Bible reading; see w97 3/15
p. 8 pars. ~-7.1
14. How do Revelation 22:17 and Romans 2:
4, 5 show that Jehovah does not foreknow or foreordain everything people =
do? [rs p. 141 pars. 1-2]
15. Since early Christians believed in the Millennial Reign of Jesus as =
mentioned in the book of Revelation, what influences led to an eventual =
rejection of this divine teaching by apostate Christians? [w99 12/1 p. 6 =
par. 3-p. 7 par. 5]
16. What limits on showing "personal interest" in other people should be =
by Christians? (Phil. 2:4) [w99 12/1 p. 29
par. 1]
17. What is suggested by the mention at Psalm 128:3 of sons being "like =
slips of olive trees" around a man's table? [Weekly Bible reading; see =
wOO 8/15 p. 30 par. 4.]
18. If we find God's work to be fear-inspiring, how will it affect us? =
(Ps. 139:14) [Weekly Bible reading; see w93 10/1 p. 15 par. 18.]
19. Why does Proverbs 5:3, 4 speak of the aftereffects of immorality as =
being "bitter as wormwood" and "as sharp as a two- edged sword"? [Weekly =
Bible reading; see wOO 7/15 p. 29 par. 2.]
20. In harmony with Proverbs 14:29, how can discernment help us to avoid =
the consequences of impatience and uncontrolled anger? [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w97 3/15 p. 13 pars. 7-8.]
Provide the word(s) or phrase needed to complete each of the following =
21. True prophets spoke and made
known _______ . (Deut. 18:18-20; 1 John 4:1-3) [rs p. 132 par. 3; p. 133 =
par. 2]
22. The purpose of the Proverbs is twofold
-to impart and to provide (Prov. 1:1-4) [w99 9/15 p. 13
par. 1]
23. "The secret place of the Most High" is a place of ________ for those =
who take God's side of the issue of ; it is "secret," or unknown, to =
people who
(Ps. 91:1) [Weekly Bible reading; see w86 12/15 p. 29 par. 6.]
24. 'Not forgetting all Jehovah's doings' is evidently linked to =
________on "his doings," his acts of loving-kindness as described in the =
103rd Psalm. (Psalm 103:2) [Weekly Bible reading; see w99 5/15 p.21 =
pars. 5-6.]
25. A proverb is a pithy saying that employs a ________ and is designed =
to ________ . [si
p. 107 par. 6]
Select the correct answer in each of the following statements:
26. Although he had reason to be angry over the treatment he experienced =
from Saul, David restrained himself because (he realized that Saul was =
imperfect and that God's servants must be forgiving; he had clearly in =
mind his relationship with Jehovah; he knew that it was wrong to be =
judgmental). (1 Sam. 24:6, 15) [w99 8/15 p. 8 par. 7]
27. (Wisdom; Discipline; Righteousness) is a blend of many factors, =
including understanding, insight, shrewdness, and
thinking ability; (goodness; understanding; good judgment) is the =
ability to see into a matter and discern its composition by grasping the =
connections between its parts and the whole, thus getting the sense of =
it. (Prov. 1:1-4) 17w99 9/15 p. 13 par. 2]
28. Joseph's strength to resist the immoral advances of Potiphar's wife =
came from (his knowledge of the Law of Moses, which condemned =
fornication; a healthy fear of the weighty position of her husband; =
valuing his relationship with Jehovah). (Gen. 39:7-9) [w99 10/1 p.29 =
par. 3]
29. The writer of Psalm 119 obviously had deep appreciation for (the =
word, or law, of God; the gift of life; the prospect of salvation), =
which is mentioned in nearly all of the psalm's verses. [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w99 li/i p. 9 par. 5; w87 3/15 P. 24 par. 2.]
30. In the first two chapters of Paul's letter to the (Romans; =
Galatians; Hebrews), we find a number of quotations from the Psalms =
respecting the (superior position; baptism; earthly ministry) of Jesus =
Christ. [si p. 105 par. 28]
Match the following scriptures to the statements listed below:
Prov. 2:19; 14:15; 18:17; Rom. 10:17;
Heb. 13:18
31. To acquire faith, a person must first find out what the Bible says =
and examine it carefully. [rs p.130 par. 3]
32. Christians cannot adopt business practices that are dishonest or =
that ignore the
legitimate interests of others. [w99 9/15
p. 10 par. 2]
33. Those committing sexual immorality may reach the point of no return, =
namely death, before it is possible to recover. [w99 11/15 p. 27 pars. =
34. A wise and discerning person weighs the consequences of his actions =
and does not blindly follow some new trend simply because it is popular. =
[Weekly Bible reading; see g94 12/8 p. 16 par. 1.]
35. Even though a person's argument may sound plausible and right, it is =
wise to hear both sides of a matter before coming to a conclusion. [si =
p. 111 par. 36] Proverbs 18;17 The one first in his legal case is =
righteous; his fellow comes in and certainly searches