Once in a blue moon

by Andee 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Andee

    Is tonight.

    A blue moon is a the second full moon in a one month period of time.

    The next one does not occur until June 2004.


  • Julie

    lol--Andi, I thought you were going to tell us about somebody with a really cold arse.


  • lauralisa

    Thanks Andee! And I was wondering why I felt so strange today...........

    Tonight in Baltimore the moon is stunning, and broken silvery clouds are streaming full blast across the light of it. It goes well with the incredibly tacky and famous Hamden holiday displays! Just a few blocks away from where I live, an entire neighborhood usually makes the front page of USA Today for its efforts in electric drama scenes. Elvis on a sleigh kind of thing. It rocks.

    I am putting up "christmas" lights for the first time in over twelve years....... wow

    Blue Moon white belgian ale is my favorite beer and I am stocked up. Here's to you


    If the world didn't suck, we would all fall off

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