some months ago there was a newspaper information, I guess from Tullahomanews, where was published what amount the WTS payed to about 12 persons who were molested as children. Does anybody have a copy of this newspaper for me? I want to give it to an elder who does not believe in this fact. please mail me this copy. Thanks in adavance. My email addy is [email protected]
Newspaper info in regard to million $$$ payed to molested children of JWs
by Klaus Vollmer 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Here is a link to the NBC News story:
Here it is in print:
Press enterprise Link to Elders trying to cover up molestation:
Hope this helps.
Klaus Vollmer
dear Blondie, dear toh, (your name is my reality) thank you very much for this support. I will give it to an elder who never does believe that WTS pays money for silence. I still believe in JHVHs purpose but not into the idolatry of a failing org which praises its attitudes and rejects given discernment of someone. It is years ago Blondie where we had communication, I for years did not post here as I had lost my password. But I found it again. love George