Hi. I've been studing with the witnesses for like 8 months now. The problem I'm having is that 4 the past 3 or so months they keep telling me they've run out of the weekly study Watchtower newspaper books & to just find someone borrow thiers & make photocopies. Is this anyway 2 treat a newcomer? I'm kinda angry
Spiritual food?
by fb130 6 Replies latest jw friends
Ask them if they could do it right from the bible, without mags and other stuff.
S -
I think the WTS is wanting to minimize it's publication production to streamline costs. For the record we still don't have our Nov 15 WTs at my hall. There is rumors whispering they might go to a downloadable zip file on jw.org...but it is just a rumor at present.
What pubs do you need..... some of us might have them in PDF we could uplink for you to download.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Is this anyway 2 treat a newcomer?
No it isn't.
Some unsolicited advice I will give to you is to really research this group. I have been around it since 1968 and it is full of questionable doctrines, contraditory doctrines, and flip-flopping doctrines. Please be like the Bereans of Paul's day and make them PROVE it to you from the scriptures. Read for context, and ask ask ask....
My best to you.
yknot, bless you brother, well I do think that zip download file option NEEDS to happen SHEESH I mean really I need all the help I can get. the edition I have are & I get confussed. the very upper right right hand corner says oct 15th but under the study part in the middle it starts with dec 1-7 thanks yknot, you're a light brother
You don't need the Washtowel borganization! I wasted 27 years of my life slaving for the washtowel. Now that Im out I'm a better person
ynot....you certainly are a light for all of us in the dark. Bless you brother.