I've been thinking about all the talk of economic crisis in the media lately. My JW Elder dad is full of woe. How long do you think it will be before the WT comes out with an economic headline using the fear to convince people of the time of the end. I'm no financial expert so i have no idea how all this will pan out but if we are facing hard times and people are looking for hope maybe this will see some increase for the JWs.
I went rooting around on the cd'rom to see what they were saying in the 80's about the economy. I think we can look forward to seeing some of this stuff being recycled. Does anyone have access to WT quotes from other periods of economic hardship? It would be interesting to trace economic history by WT quotes.
g8112/22pp.26-27What’sWrongwiththeEconomy?***Economies have been in trouble before and recovered. Why can’t the present economy revive without going through drastic change?
MajorDifferenceThe world’s economic problems are not the same as those of a generation ago. A major difference is the interdependence of nations and their economies. Economic policy or action in one industrialized nation affects the others. Even the poorest of developing nations is interwoven in the global economy, affecting rich nations. Prosperity of the rich countries depends on the well-being of the poor countries, who not only sell vital raw materials to the rich but also import billions of dollars’ worth of goods, creating much-needed jobs in the industrialized nations.
Developing nations want a new international economic order that would give them a better share in the world economy. It is a call the rich nations cannot ignore. As Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau noted, it is "an element of global security."
To what extent, if any, the economy will revive and nations will move toward negotiating a new economic order, time will tell. But there is convincing proof that what’s really wrong with the economy is beyond cure.
The fact is that 6,000 years have failed to produce a credible form of government from among mankind. Despite some gains, the crisis overall gets worse, not better. Is such a credible government possible, one that can remove the present inequitable economic order, driven by greed and its obsession for warfare?
Yes! The needed government is God’s heavenly kingdom. It will bring to this earth solutions far superior to anything dreamed of in economics textbooks and theories. That government’s principal textbook, the Holy Bible, long ago pinpointed the severe economic problems to be experienced in our day. (Rev. 6:6) But it goes beyond showing what’s wrong; it can lead you to experience the blessings of the only satisfying solution.
It will help you to appreciate why only God’s kingdom can guarantee full employment, no inflation, fair distribution of wealth and economic security. Even now it is changing personalities to eliminate greed and is turning productive efforts away from building armaments to peaceful pursuits and eventual economic security. (Mic. 4:1-4) Instead of simply creating a new economic order, soon it will remove the entire world system—including unjust economics—and replace it with a righteous new order. Only a superhuman government can accomplish such a superhuman feat!—Dan. 2:44.
Why not look into the Bible and find out for yourself what you need to do in order to benefit from that coming world change? Jehovah’s Witnesses stand ready to help you in your efforts to do so.