hubby's phone call to grand ma

by Tammie 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tammie

    A couple of weeks ago, we get a phone call from my husband's aunt. She tells him that his JW grandma (g-ma) wanted him to call her, and she promised him that she would not shun him. We've both dissocated ourselved back in August. But yesterday was the first time he got a chance to call her. This is how the phone call went.

    grandma (g-ma)- "Hello, who is this?"
    D. (my husband)- "Hi, grandma this is D., aunt B. told me that you wanted me to call you."
    g-ma- "You know better than try to talk to me. You left Jehovah." CLICK! (She hung up the phone.)

    This is really bothering him. Normally he lets things go. But this is really hurting him. And the thing is that when he is being affected like this, it really hurts me also. Right now I feel like going over and .... well I better not say. But I am peaved. He works the grave yard shift, and I got a phone call from him around 1:30 am. He sounded so sad. Later today he is going to call his aunt up, and tell her what his g-ma said to him. What really bugs me is that some of his JW relatives are telling such lies, just to make themselves look good. I am glad to be away from such a lieing, slandering bunch, JW relatives to be exact, that I wished I walked away ALOT sooner. My mom told me that I am dead to her, that is until I come back to their orgization. HA!! This is just pushed me and my husband even further away from the WTBTS. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER again will I put myself or my children threw that hell ever again. I'm sorry to rag on, but I feel like screaming right now. But with my children asleep, I don't think that would be such a good idea.[>:(][>:(][>:(][>:(]

  • dungbeetle

    ((((((((((((( Tammy and D )))))))))))))))


  • Celia

    This is unbelievable !
    ...Disfellowshipping does not severe family ties...

    One question, Why would the aunt tell him to call Grandmother ???
    So sad !

  • joelbear


    Its hard to let go. I go back and forth trying to stay in touch and then just not being able to take the hurt anymore.

    The only thing that really helps me is being around people I love and who love me. I try to do that as often as possible.

    take care


  • Kristen

    That is so sad. I feel your frustration. I have a similiar fate facing me at a critical juncture in my relationship with some family members. The thought of "losing" them on account of their own mindset is something I have a hard time contemplating. But I am preparing myself for when it does.

    Then I remember, I can only control ME. Still, the rules of the game completely suck. Thankfully we are not alone.


  • ashitaka

    They are f-ing assholes...there's nothing you can do but endure..


  • Marilyn

    Tammie, please tell your husband that loads of others know what he's feeling right now. I've been dealing with this kind of irrational treatment for 20 yrs. I find the pain comes and goes, according to what's happening in my family (my relatives). It really is a case of "what can't be changed, must be endured". Time helps a lot. Also a friend once told me to think on all the good things in my life. My husband and I got out of the Org. together, when our kids were little. I have always counted this as a tremendous plus. Twenty years on I know that in spite of all the crap I've been subjected to, I have been the lucky one. I've had a wonderful 20 yrs "out", and my kids are successful and we are comfortably off. We are normal - how wonderful!

    best of wishes to you and your husband!

  • Tammie

    Just an update. My husband called his aunt to tell her what happen when he called his grandma. The aunt was very angry, at her mom (his g-ma). To make a long story short. His aunt has been going to the memoral (at the KH) for many years with her mom. Now because of how g-ma treated my husband, she does not want any thing to do with the JW, and won't ever go to another memoral ever again.

  • jayhawk1

    Good for your husband's Aunt. I am glad she has the sence to see G-ma for what she is. And that is a hateful brainwashed woman. Shunning family is so cruel.

    When reading your first post I thought there was two maybe three possabilities.
    1. This was a setup by his Aunt and G-ma.
    2. This was a setup by G-ma, and the Aunt did not know.
    and the maybe third possability
    3. G-ma is loosing her mind.

    Regardless, it is a real shame that JWs do this to family without good reason.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

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