I just had to post a new topic after discovering even more pagan practices that the watchtower has allowed. Please read the JWs can celebrate christmas thread, where I have posted my evidence that the watchtower ALLOWS pagan decorations and now more information about them allowing pagan customs in other ways.
Here is an excerpt from my most recent find (bold added. can you see how this could apply to xmas and other holidays they ban?):
*** w91 10/15 30-1 Questions From Readers ***The whole article is on the xmas thread.
Questions From Readers
õ When someone dies, is it proper for Christians to give flowers to the family or to send flowers to the funeral home?
It is similar with some funeral customs. Egyptians customarily embalmed the dead. The faithful patriarch Joseph did not automatically react, ‘This is a pagan custom, so we Hebrews must avoid it.’ Rather, he “commanded his servants, the physicians, to embalm his father,” evidently so that Jacob could be buried in the Promised Land. (Genesis 49:29–50:3) The Jews later developed different funeral customs, such as bathing the body and burying it on the day of death. Early Christians accepted such Jewish customs.—Acts 9:37.....Still, all kinds of objects, designs, and practices have, at some time or place, been given a false interpretation or have been linked with unscriptural teachings. Trees have been worshiped, the heart shape has been viewed as sacred, and incense has been used in pagan ceremonies. Does this mean that a Christian must never use incense, have trees in any decoration, or wear heart-shaped jewelry? That is not a valid conclusion.
(edited for typos)