Abandoning Older Kids

by sammielee24 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    I've read a lot of history on the Home Children, Great Depression..train kids...and so on and as I've heard politician after politician talk about a possible new depression era, I wonder if this is the beginning of another surge of abandonment. There are already kids living in tent cities and cars and vans so I wonder if as the laws for the age of abandonment are increased, if we will see a surge in the coming years...sammieswife.

    US shocked by spate of abandoned children

    • 14 given up by parents under new Nebraska law
    • State to reconsider age limit of 19 after criticism

    Todd Landry, Director of the Division of Children and Family Services, at Press conference in Nebraska, 2008

    Press conference following eleven children having been left at hospitals in Nebraska, Sept 24 2008. Photograph: Nati Harnik

    Authorities in the United States are reeling from a sudden spate of children being abandoned by their parents and guardians under a new law that allows caregivers to leave any child up to the age of 19 at hospitals without fear of prosecution.

    In Nebraska in September alone, 14 children were abandoned in hospitals and another was mistakenly taken to a police station, which is not covered under the law. In a further case, an 18-year-old presented himself for safe keeping, but was not placed in foster care because he was too old.

    The case that has caused most attention has been that of a father who handed over nine of his 10 children aged 20 months to 17 years to hospital carers. They have been placed with two sets of relatives before their fate is decided.

    In July Nebraska became the last of the 50 states to pass legislation designed to take criminality out of the abandonment of babies and infants, following a reported rise in such incidents. The process began with Texas, which enacted the law in 1999, and since then about 2,000 babies are thought to have been handed over nationwide.

    The Nebraska law, however, went further than that of any other state in keeping loose the definition of those who could be relinquished by their carers. In most states, it was restricted to the early months of life, but in Nebraska it has been left open as any age up to 19.

    The first to make use of the law was a woman in Omaha who tried on September 1 to part company with her 14-year-old son, saying she did not want to care for him any more. She made the mistake, under the terms of the legislation, of presenting him at Omaha police department.

    On September 13 a woman took her 11-year-old grandson to a hospital in Omaha complaining he was violent and destructive and saying he would be better off in a group home. The boy is now in foster care. The same day a boy aged 15 was abandoned in Lincoln by his aunt, who said he was disobedient and a possible gang member. "I didn't abandon him," she told the Omaha World Herald. "I wanted help for him so when he hits 18 he's not a menace to society."

    Two further cases occurred on September 20 and 23 involving a girl aged 13 and the 18-year-old who presented himself. The next day, in two incidents, relatives walked away from a boy aged 11 and another of 15.

    The same day Gary Staton turned up at Creighton University medical centre with all but the eldest of his 10 children. The children's mother, his wife, had died after childbirth in February 2007. Staton said he had felt overwhelmed and unable to cope since his wife's death.

    Nebraska residents have been shocked by the surge of abandonments. Corie Russell, a columnist with the Papillion Times, wrote: "Birth certificates aren't receipts. This isn't a store refund. And I'm definitely not giving these parents any credit for their irrational and cruel decisions."

    The safe haven law has also been criticised by the courts. One judge presiding over some of the cases lambasted it as "state-sanctioned abandonment".

    The state's assembly members are now considering revising the legislation to narrow the definition of children that can be given away.

  • StAnn

    I bet the WTS loves this rule. They'll probably encourage parents to dump their DF'd teens at local hospitals and forget about them.


  • AnneB

    I don't think so. Abandonment just hasn't been in the news as regularly as some other issues.

    I remember that in the 1980's it went by some popular term (which I have forgotten) when parents were moving away and literally leaving their teens behind. It happened a lot in California; I knew of several who were living in a city park in the very "good" neighborhood where their homes used to be.

    My own mother did it twice, first to my sister and then to my brother. (Yes, I took them in each time.)

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My mother hated me. I wish this law had been in effect when I was young. I would have stood a better chance at a better life.

    All states should revise their laws, to include older children.

  • cameo-d

    Didn't old testament say to stone the kids who were disobedient?

    I thought it was only infants who were taken in at hosp. and fire dept. I certainly did not know it included teens. When did this part come about?

  • Satanus

    It must have been rough, horrible life. Probably leaves marks for the whole life.

    I was turfed out on the countryside at 16 by my congregation servant father. On the plus side, he had gotten me a job @ 85 cents an hour before that. That is a plus, isn't it?


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I can understand the failure to launch argument. I hung on to my elder son thru drugs, booze, and all of it. Until he deliberately got me kicked out of a second home. He got the boot and he may no longer live under my roof. I would also never ask to live under his roof. He has proved to me that he is an ungrateful and vindictive punk.

    I love him and do not deny his mom a visit. But I take her where he is at. He is not ever welcome at my door. Ever.

    I love him and I have forgiven him, but I am not well enough to move again simply because he won't behave himself.

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