Seems like its always the End of the World for somebody...
There have been other holocausts barely mentioned in mainstream and yet they have been significant historical events. ( asians, chinese, russians,.... Many civilizations even in the past century...millions have already been killed in holocaust actions; and some of these events were greater in number than the holocaust of Germany. Perhaps because world communications were not as it is today, most people at the time it was happening may have been kept in the dark concerning these things.
Seems like the earth is "continually" being Harvested. Why do we assume that Armageddon is just for us? Is it just for our time? Will it predominately be just for the USA because this will create a world power shift?
How do we know that the earth has not been continually harvested? Don't we have evidence of this by civilizations who have disappeared with very little trace? Is this why our spiritual books are filled with myth and "secret meanings" ? Why has the King James Bible been written mostly for the people of UK and America?