I have not heard from my wife’s parents, avid dubbers. I thought it was because they did not approve that we did not have anything to with the dubbers. We visited her sister and now they want to visit us. I told her sister that I did not have a problem but that I demanded respect for my choice in life. I do not keep especially up on how the society views relatives who left the cult. Her sister seemed to be OK with it, even though she wanted to know why we left and tell us how she felt Hovah, in her life. I absolutely hate how this cult puts up walls between people and their families.
Wifes parents want to visit.
by dogon 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Your avitar is,2 guy`s grabbing each others "Dick"?..
Hey Mods!, take that dogon's avatar out!
I have to agree with you about this cult keeping families apart. I've been out for ten years and have had a shaky relationship with my JW family. They just can't accept the fact that I don't believe in their religion. They tell me how much I'm hurting them by turning my back on Jehovah. It's so stupid how they take it personally, when it has nothing to do with them and everything with the Borgs teachings. My sister is getting married in Dec and I've been banned from the wedding. She said that it hurt her to do that, but that her relationship with Jehovah was more important. =(
Hey butt munch, I blured out the hands. Quit editing my posts. It is symbolic of dubbers at the hall. Next thing you will want to burn books. Quit doing what we hate the dubbers doing so bad. You become what you hate.
Here is the actual photo, it is blacked out. I came here becasue of it being an open forum. There is no nudity here. Quit fooling with my Pref.
I love your avatar! One of the better ones.
I wouldn't worry about the visit. Dubs are socially retarded, so get ready for lots of ignoring, lots of boring talk, lots of tedium. There are exceptions in the dub world, but I find they're few and far between.
People complaining about his picture: He's French. What do you expect?
that's cute, Lisa. I love those cat photos. As for the avatar - censorship or the lack thereof goes two ways - if you don't want to be censored, then quit over-reacting to other people who don't like the avatar and say so. Free speech, you know!!!