Is divorce and family break down on the increase in the organization?

by truthseeker 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Very often the Society will write in their magazines that divorce and family breakdown are on the increase in the world.

    In my congregation, there have rbeen two recent cases of adultery. In both cases, the brothers were elders and their wives were regular pioneers.

    From my observations and those of others on this forum it would seem that divorce and extramarital affairs are on the increase in the organization.

    It's also true that we're all human and make mistakes - but if you're serving Jehovah whole souled and putting him first, how is it these things happen?

  • yknot

    Not in my KH.....but everyone (well all but one couple) born 1965 and onward is unevenly yoked.

    Since the WTS decided 'spiritual endangerment' was reason enough to leave a spouse I have heard of more divorces from the 'big city' KHs. But you know 'Big City' folks are more prone to 'wordly' tendencies versus us country witnessies....

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Yes, I would say a breakdown is the same as in the world, about 50/50. A Lot of adultery that just gets handled on the down low ( no announcement). The aftermath seems to be worse for the kids, everyone knows every body's business.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Yes it is on the increase, i would even say there is little difference now between the JW and "the world" in marriage problems..

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