Hi Ashi,
I call my mother from time to time because I love her and know she enjoys hearing from me. But, it is quite difficult because it always makes me so sad.
As I've said on other threads, my Dad, the elder, is quite a bully. He rules the house. Everything is done his way. They live where he wants to live and how he wants to live. He doesn't like to travel, so they don't travel.
My mom is an intelligent loving caring person who now at 75 is at the end of her path. She has not known much happiness living with my Dad. I called her last week and told her I was feeling a bit depressed. She said, well you know where to go to feel better, the meetings. I thought to myself, yeah right, its done so much for you and dad over the 56 years you've been going. But, of course, I didn't say that. It would have just been heartless to say and upset her.
I don't have a solution for the sadness you and I feel for only being able to observe the misery of people we love. Its too late for my Mom. I can only hope that by sharing my experiences other people will not make the same mistakes.
Ashi, be careful of the drinking. I hate to sound preachy, but I've gone down the drinking path and the results ain't pretty.
When you are feeling sad, put on some music that brings back pleasant memories or sit and reread a book that you love or go kiss your wife for no reason or sit and rub her feet and remind yourself of how much you love her.
Take care buddy.