Notes from AGM

by besty 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    Dear Family & Friends,

    Yesterday was Annual Meeting. It was PACKED OUT. There were so many
    visitors. There were a total of 13,242 in attendance.

    I didn't take a whole lot of notes because many of the parts were
    interviews and/or experiences and it's hard for me to get all of that.
    I usually just listen during those parts.

    Guy Pearce gave the talk regarding the 2009 Year Text. It is Acts
    20:24=2 0to bear thorough witness to the good news.

    The talk was all about Paul and how preaching was his main concern.
    Bro Pearce said they've heard some people think we're in the gleaning
    work as if the major harvest has been done. He said emphatically
    "Erradicate that thinking from your mind". We have much work yet to
    do and we are not in the gleaning work.

    Steve Lett gave the talk Will Your Family Survive Armageddon? This
    talk was all about the family study night. He said to family heads
    that it's their main responsibility to make sure their families are
    spiritually strong and that we will survive only if we are spiritually
    alive and strong when the great trib begins. He said the GB has
    prayerfully deliberated this matter for several years before making
    the decision they did. There are 2 objectives for the family study night:
    1. To Draw Closer to Jehovah-He read Ezekiel 9:5- Pass through the
    city after him and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not
    feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child
    and women you should kill off to a ruination. - He emphasized the
    fact that children must be taught to draw close to Jehovah if they are
    to survive Armageddon. They must receive their own mark if they are
    of the age of accountability. Parents must use this time to help
    their children draw close to Jah.
    2. To Draw Close as a Family- Married couples who spend
    time20together with Jehovah draw closer to each other. This goes for
    parents and children too.

    He said there are 3 elements for success. They are:
    1. Be Consistent- Do not adopt a hit or miss arrangement. Such
    arrangements are usually miss. Their suggestion is that we use the
    same evening that we currently use for Book Study. Also, we have prep
    time for book study such as getting ready, travel time to and from so
    our evening is longer than the one hour for the study. He said this
    to emphasize that we do not have to limit our study time to one hour.
    He said if we use this time for TV viewing instead of study, Satan
    will have gained a victory. He read Job 1:6 and 2:1 to show that
    Jehovah has set aside designated times to instruct his heavenly
    family. Shouldn't we?

    2. Make it Practical-periodically we could have Field Ministry
    practice sessions, have practice sessions on how to help your kids
    cope with peer pressure at school, use this time to implant spiritual
    goals in your children such as pioneering, bethel, int'l construction,
    gilead etc. Use material that addresses specific family needs.

    3. Make it enjoyable- There are pages in the new YPA book that are
    designed for family discussion. Use this tool. We can view and
    discuss any of the society's videos. Read the bible as a family
    perhaps assigning roles. Do something innovative- for example, a
    family in asia has a s on who was absolutely fascinated with scrolls
    and wished his bible was a scroll. So they reconstructed one. Made
    it 24 feet long and used paper towel tubes at the ends. They used the
    computer to copy Isaiah onto pages and erased the chapter and verses
    and then glued all the pages together and then to the tubes and had
    their son act out the scene in Luke where Jesus stands up to read the
    scroll of Isaiah. He realized how hard it was to find Isa 61:1,2 and
    how hard it was to roll and unroll and decided he was glad we don't
    have scrolls today. Interesting project.

    Annual Report

    Altogether there 13, 242 in attendance for this wonderful event.

    5,262 in New Jersey

    2,396 in Patterson

    2,329 in Walkill

    2,810 in Brooklyn

    445 in Canada

    The meeting opened promptly at 10am with song and prayer.

    Bro Herd, member of the governing body opened the meeting by stating,
    in the voice of Bro Sydlick (he sounded just like him, it was quite
    comical), "It's good to be alive and serving the living God. We are
    serving a God that is Good. " Psalms 25:8, Psalms 100:1-5

    Reports from distance lands:

    Argentina, Down under really applies to Argentina more than
    Australia. There's a saying about Argentina, Aqui termina el mundo
    (here the world ends) The preaching working commenced there in the
    1920's, in spite of two government bands the work has continued. The
    work grew under ban, from 33, 503 to 50, 151. There is seldom worked
    territory in Argentina, in fact there where 400 brothers that moved to
    seldom worked territory and commenced on a long 4 month campaign. This
    resulted in a 20, 000 increase, Isaiah 42:10. 8 congregations in that
    area, they have now finished the Bible Teach in sign language. How
    thankful we are that Jehovah has held back the 4 winds of destruction
    to save these souls!

    Hong Kong, There are 500, 225 JW's in Hong Kong, Buddhism has left a
    strong mark on this country. Many accept ancestor worship and Buddhism
    only because it is common. The people are poor so they have constant
    challenge of making a living. Commercialism and materialism keeps them
    from learning about Jah.

    One young man named Keith wanted to know why there are so many god's?
    What happens to the dead? Keith had 4 earrings in his ear and looked
    like a thug. A sister witnessed to him and he heard the ring of truth.
    He is now a regular pioneer.

    Street witnessing is a portal they use to witness. They set up a
    booth and passersby's look at the literature. Almost 100 studies have
    been started that way in one month.

    Madagascar, the 4th largest Island in the world, also known as the
    red island. There is no translation for the word soul, and Christendom
    has really taken advantage of this. The New World translation has just
    been translated in Madagascee, a glossary has been provided to give a
    true definition of the word soul.

    There are over 20k publishers there, over 54k Bible studies being

    A person in a rural area requested a bible study. "You people come to
    all the villages except ours and we need someone to teach us the Bible
    and since you people have an advertisement regarding free Bible
    studies, we would like a visit!"

    Someone followed up and this isolated area yielded 528 in attendance
    for the Memorial.

    Where does the land end and the sea begin??????

    Portugal (I found this brothers comments about the water and fish
    and their responses very interesting)

    Portugal is divided by two types of water and fish, the warm African
    waters which contains the warm fish that are easy to catch and
    cultivate, then you have the other side of Portugal that is the
    European sea which is cool waters and fish that are not so easy to
    cultivate that require more patience.

    In the Cape Islands, there was a woman by the name of Silvita, who
    was heavy into politics and was very prejudiced towards Jehovah's
    Witnesses. A dear friend of her died and wanted answers. She started a
    bible study, she denounced her lifestyle along with the politics. She
    is now a regular pioneer.

    Prison witnessing in Portugal has been producing good works. There
    are currently 56 studies being conducted and 30 unbaptized publishers
    in the prisons. 2 after release became Ministerial servants and three
    have become elders and some have become pioneers.

    Year text 2009 is........drum role please....Given by Guy Pierce

    Nothing greater can happen to a human being than to become one of
    Jehovah's Witnesses. A lot of times the law of diminishing returns can
    affect us. Our enthusiasm begins to lose fire in our hearts. (this is
    a direct quote) If worldly people had a bit of sense they would
    realize their financial situation is the least of their worries. If
    they don't have a good relationship with Jehovah, they have more
    serious problems ahead, instead of lining up at banks they need to be
    lining up @ the Kingdom Hall.

    Acts 20:24 is where this years text is taking from, with emphasis on,
    "bearing thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness
    of God."

    Please eradicate all thinking from your mind that since we are at the
    end there is no need to preach more. That is Satan's thinking and we
    need to be at the preaching with urgency!


    Jeremiah 35:23

    The question you must ask is, "Will my household survive this
    momentous event? Will my children and will my mate survive that great

    A key ingredient for the family is having a family worship evening. A
    major factor for the bookstudy change was the importance of family study.

    What are the family worship objectives?

    Draw closer to Jehovah, Ezekiel 9:5.6, the objective is to have the
    mark, the mark is the Christlike Personality.

    What are the three elements for a successful family worship?

    1. Be consistent.

    2. Make it practical, ex: Have field ministry practice
    sessions, have practice sessions on how to cope with peer pressure in
    school. Use this evening to encourage spiritual goals!

    3. Make it ENJOYABLE!

    One young brother took that chapter of Isaiah that Jesus read aloud
    in the temple which he fulfilled and removed all the verses, then used
    rolls like we use for aluminum foil and paper towels, tied it to both
    ends and rolled it up like the scroll and re-enacted what Jesus did
    and he stated, "Boy was it hard to find that scripture without the

    After Armageddon is over SPIRTUALLY STRONGFAMILIES will be in tact.

    Out of all the people Jah could have chosen a wealthy family to raise
    his son, he chose a poor family? Why? He knew they would keep His
    son's spiritual interest at the fore.

    Who is the faithful and discreet slave? (this talk stresses their
    personality) Bro Splane

    True anointed ones listen to the congregation as Paul and Barnabas
    did. Paul spent 3 years in the Arabian desert and was directly
    appointed by Christ, yet he never usurped the governing body's and
    their decisions, he always respectfully asked their decision and
    direction on things. 1 Cor 12:14-18

    The faithful and discreet slave don't go around introducing
    themselves as anointed and expect special treatment. NO, quite
    contrary, they understand being anointed is not a calling card. It is
    a privilege to receive this invitation, they understand it is just
    that, an invitation and they must remain loyal to the end.

    They understand among the governing body there will be differencing
    of opinions and it is an advantage to that, it's good to see how
    someone views things outside of yourself, doesn't mean you're right or
    wrong, just means you have different views. Whatever decision the
    Governing Body makes is out of AFFECTION and we love one another no
    matter what the decision is. The same is expected of the great crowd
    when they make decisions and getting along with one another.

    The last talk was awesome because it was an interview of the oldest
    serving Governing Body members, Barr, Jerez and Losch. I can't report
    everything because it was just that good. BUT one thing that stuck out
    was Bro Losch, he wasn't raised in the truth and NONE of his family is
    in the truth. So for those of you kinda like me and really don't have
    family in the truth, it's all right, just do what you have to do.

    Bro Jaracz stood out because he was the youngest to receive
    privileges. At 21 he was a district overseer and at 49 he was invited
    to be part of the Governing Body. He said he could really appreciate
    what Paul said to Timothy as far as not letting anyone look down on
    your young manhood. So folks, don't give these young people a hard
    time that are reaching out, encourage them.

    Bro Barr, stated he is terribly shy, he had to pray to Jehovah to
    this day (he's in his 90's to combat this), in addition, he once
    wanted to go to Gilead and was rejected, he was hurt, he felt he was
    qualified, but he respected the brothers decision. He then learned a
    JEHOVAH WANTS YOU TO HAVE IT....a lot of times we think we know what's
    right and we don't. We feel we're suited for certain things and we are
    not, we need to accept Jehovah's instructions when he says NO and
    accept the assignment with pleasure that he does give us.

  • Leolaia
    The New World translation has just been translated in Madagascee

    That's not a name of a language. I suppose they mean Malagasy.

    The faithful and discreet slave don't go around introducing themselves as anointed and expect special treatment. NO, quite contrary, they understand being anointed is not a calling card.

    Ah, the fiction that the F&DS is the "anointed remnant". Translation: Hey you R&F anointed-professing JWs, don't go about making special claims about being of the F&DS.

    He read Job 1:6 and 2:1 to show that Jehovah has set aside designated times to instruct his heavenly family. Shouldn't we?

    LOL, if you can make those passages pertain to family Bible study, I suppose you can make it refer to anything.

  • asilentone

    Besty, Thank you for posting this.

  • Amha·’aret
    Steve Lett gave the talk Will Your Family Survive Armageddon? This
    talk was all about the family study night. He said to family heads
    that it's their main responsibility to make sure their families are
    spiritually strong and that we will survive only if we are spiritually
    alive and strong when the great trib begins. He said the GB has
    prayerfully deliberated this matter for several years before making
    the decision they did. There are 2 objectives for the family study night:
    1. To Draw Closer to Jehovah-He read Ezekiel 9:5- Pass through the
    city after him and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not
    feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child
    and women you should kill off to a ruination. - He emphasized the
    fact that children must be taught to draw close to Jehovah if they are
    to survive Armageddon. They must receive their own mark if they are
    of the age of accountability. Parents must use this time to help
    their children draw close to Jah.
    2. To Draw Close as a Family- Married couples who spend
    time20together with Jehovah draw closer to each other. This goes for
    parents and children too.

    So basically they want the parents to brainwash their own kids now to save the GB a job?

    Any clues on what this mysterious "age of accountibilty" might be? I suppose its that magical time in one's life when you're old enough to enter in to a lifelong non-escapable contract called baptism but too young to get married....

    He said there are 3 elements for success. They are:
    1. Be Consistent- Do not adopt a hit or miss arrangement. Such
    arrangements are usually miss. Their suggestion is that we use the
    same evening that we currently use for Book Study. Also, we have prep
    time for book study such as getting ready, travel time to and from so
    our evening is longer than the one hour for the study. He said this
    to emphasize that we do not have to limit our study time to one hour.
    He said if we use this time for TV viewing instead of study, Satan
    will have gained a victory. He read Job 1:6 and 2:1 to show that
    Jehovah has set aside designated times to instruct his heavenly
    family. Shouldn't we?
    Satan is easily pleased if he ranks a victory when a family watches some tv together! And the study has to be as long as it takes to get ready, travel to and from and attend the book study? That's at least a couple of hours! And, according to their application of those scriptures, even if you do all that you might still raise a child to turn out like Satan!!!
    2. Make it Practical-periodically we could have Field Ministry
    practice sessions, have practice sessions on how to help your kids
    cope with peer pressure at school, use this time to implant spiritual
    goals in your children such as pioneering, bethel, int'l construction,
    gilead etc. Use material that addresses specific family needs.

    This just screams cult indoctrination at me now. Why don't people see this?!

    Give your kids goals such as pioneering (aka fulltime recruiting), bethel (live in a cult compound), int'l construction (free labour) and so on.

    "It's good to be alive and serving the living God. We are
    serving a God that is Good. " Psalms 25:8, Psalms 100:1-5
    Except for the verse mentioned in Ezk where he kills lots of children, right?!
    Nothing greater can happen to a human being than to become one of
    Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Yeah, my sentiments exactly - not! Note that they didn't say coming to know God, Jesus or the Bible. No, no, being a JW is far better than all that stuff!
    Please eradicate all thinking from your mind that since we are at the
    end there is no need to preach more. That is Satan's thinking and we
    need to be at the preaching with urgency!
    Translation - Get a move on slackers! we're leaking people fast and need replacements!!
    I used to really enjoy hearing all the experiences. Now it just makes me sad to think of all the people falling for this crock of crap.

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