Before you found here .... The Isolation Feeling?

by Celtic 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Before you found others over the net, how long did you spend after getting expelled in isolation, dealing by yourselves with all the overlapping issues? In that isolation, how did you feel?

    In Africa, individuals are disfellowshipped too, what must it be like there, trying to come to terms with all and sundry that we have singularly and collectively been through? Is there anything we can do here to help them, via a 'development trust' etc?

    If anyone else is willing to share these issues, please write me.



  • patio34

    Hi Celtic,

    Good question. When I 1st left in 3/01, I called my sister, Waiting, right away and within a short time, she had me all set up with stuff to read and the address of this site. But until I got set up, I felt desperate to talk with others who had left.

    I would have still left, but this has speeded up my recovery greatly.


  • LB

    I've left a couple of years ago now, but I'm new here and not all that certain how long I'll be around. Sometimes I think it's better to just shove all these angry feelings aside and move on. I've met a lot of people in my community that I would have never associated with a couple of years ago and that's helpful. At times they ask me about my JW past. So I guess that has given me an outlet for venting.

    But I still do get angry at times.

  • patio34

    Hi LB,

    It's nice to make your acquaintance and welcome!


  • ofcmad

    I only wish I knew of this site and others like these before I wrote my disassociation letter. I would have probably wrote a ten pager instead of only two.


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
  • LB

    thanks Patio, appreciate the warm welcome

  • Inquiry

    Hey Celt...

    I actually ended up leaving because of one of these sites... It was great to be informed, and great to have a social outlet on the internet... It was still lonely though, I felt isolated and abandoned by my former witness family.... and I had made very few contacts with the "real" world over the almost 10 years I was a witness...
    I knew I had to do something so I started volunteering in my community and I was also going to college which really helped... Now I am happy as a clam :), But I lived through a few torturous months before that...
    I don't know if I would have left the Borg without the help of those who participate on these sites... I owe them all a debt of gratitude... thanks and thanks again... :)

    Ofcmad... I wrote a four pager, after visiting sites like this, and I included over 100 pages of research.... I learned it really doesn't make a difference how much info you give them, they either hear you or don't. That's up to them. But your letter was your declaration of independence.... whether a few sentences, or a few pages, the difference it made was for you.... If it helps one of them to see your point of view, well then you've accomplished a lot... even though I sent all the info that I did, for those that received it, to date it has not made one iota of difference to them... the only ones that benefitted from my efforts are those who were brave enough to ask me questions about what I did... and that's the difference I made in their lives... not the hundred pages of info... but my taking the time to explain it to those who asked... in short, ya did good ofcmad... ya did good ! :)

    Hey LB... welcome to the board... :)


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