I just read on an apostate site that the December KM contains the details of the lowered hours for pioneers. Can anyone confirm this? Scan?
December KM?
by leavingwt 9 Replies latest jw friends
unless its changed the info is supposed to be made available before the release of the new October tract
I have the October tract and no announcement has been made
I just read on an apostate site that the December KM contains the details of the lowered hours for pioneers. Can anyone confirm this? Scan?
Shame on you!! What are you doing on apostate sites???
it must be bethelite spilling the beans about the Dec KM
In my congo the PO, excuse me the Coordinator of the Body of Elders, hasn't even released to the elders the November KM yet. He's holding out. Maybe because that's the on with the name change for his position. We know he gets them delivered to his home address weeks ahead, but then he decides to read through them, make all his Service Meeting schedules and what not, check with the School Overseer, who used to be me, about the school schedule and then when he's done with that, he'll pencil in the names in tiny-itsy-beetsy printed script on the corner of the first page then he waits for the next Service Meeting before the month to give them out to the bookstudy conductors, ehem I mean bookstudy overseers, which I guess after the new year it will be to all the service group overseers... if I have that terminology right, or are they service group coordinators then, it does get confusing with all these changes, but changes go slow in my congo. We still have one sister who actually remembers Judge Rutherford calling R.V.'s "back calls" so that'll tell ya sompin'. Anyways I'm hoping for a PDF of the December KM through this board or the ExTJ.com/foro if not I'll get it by usual means say by the end of November if all goes well and my PO doesn't break the pencil lead too many times.
Which board?
It seems they are reluctant to get vital information out early enough so the people can respond to it.
I read this in a comment posted at the "Letters from the GB" blog. The commenter seemed to be a JW or a JW apologist. No way to confirm the accuracy of the information.
Witness 007
Yes it's true. The Pioneer hours are being lowered to 10 hours a month.......Pioneer ranks are expected to grow to about 6 Million.