WT tooting their own horn

by TweetieBird 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    Just got off the phone with my mom who asked me if I had read the latest Awake on the Sept. 11th tragedy. Quote, "What a wonderful article, showing what the brothers did for those that came across the bridge, blah, blah, blah."

    My first thought was, anyone in NY with an ounce of compassion for humanity was right there along with anyone from the WTS doing what they could for the victims.

    My second thought went to how Jesus condemned the scribes and pharisees for making a showy display of their good deeds, but inside they were vile.

    As a side point to my brother who posts here, mom was thrilled when you told her you would like her to send it to you, she thinks there's hope for you yet.

  • moman

    Tweetie, what do ya expect "false prophets" to do?
    I really get steamed when I envision them sitting in their IVORY TOWER enjoying the PEACE & SECURITY the USA's military gives them, while they refuse to lift a finger to help & all this while tax free!

  • think41self

    Hi Tweetie,

    I saw that Awake article....made me *GAG*. And then my mother had the nerve to send my two teenage sons a card, with a clipping from their local newspaper, bragging about how the witnesses were being so loving and helpful to everyone at ground zero. (My mother lives in a podunk town in SC and the "journalist" is a witness).

    It made me so angry...I haven't replied to it yet. The gist of my mom's note to my boys was for them not to forget about Jehovah...the days are too short...blah blah blah.

    ALL THE WITNESSES HAVE DONE at ground zero is PREACH to people...hand out literature...read a few scriptures. BIG FRIGGING DEAL. They have all these able bodied young men who could have been of practical use, especially right at first...but as usual, all they do is attempt to put the band-aid of "Let me share with you a few scriptures of a time when the earth will not be like this" rather than any real, practical help for people NOW. You don't tell a starving man that in a few years there will be plenty of food for everyone...he doesn't care about that...all he cares about is the fact that he's starving now.

    Oops...sorry I went off on it like that...I guess I just started my letter to my mother....hehehe, but I have more to add for her!


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I have pretty much stopped reading the WT and Awake even though I get them in the mail(puke).
    For years I have been sickened by their rank self promotion.
    Have you noticed too, that all those who get their life story printed in the magazines have to always tell how sticking close to the organization has been important to them and always worked out for their good. What a huge load of crap!
    Or the letters from readers that are filled with the highest praise for articles written in the magazine. While it true they sometimes print part of have a letter that expresses disagreement to make them look unbaised, they will only do so if they can give a reply that will make them look good, thus giving them the last word in their favor.

    Such is the power of the pen.
    I only hope someday the WT falls falls flat on its ASS with an EQUAL portion of humiliation to make up for its years bragging to the world that it and only it is God's choosen channel.

    Like I read somewhere:
    "Who ever exaults himself will be humbled and who ever humbles himself will be exaulted"

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • buffalosrfree

    The society surely follows the biblical advice of not letting your left hand know what the right hand is doing don't they. Their aids to society, orphans, widows, refugees, etc. is so secret that no one, even them, know about it, in fact even with a microscope evidence of this love for humanity can't be found. But give three people a glass of water and some rest and by golly this will be declared from the rooftops, god knows how much help they gave the relief workers at ground zero, The leagues of young men and women who didn't show up to help shows how much they really care. Hiding in the dark, probably many secretly thrilled about it, is the declaration that should be trumpeted about their true lack of love and care about people in society in general. They make me sick. Buff

  • dins

    I saw the article sitting rather conspicuously on my parents' and grandmother's tables...knew they would cash in on this tragedy eventually. I think they were hoping I would offer to read it but I just pretended I didn't see it. It was put by my dinner plate and I ignored that too, even putting my plate over it after I was finished. I seriously think they are afraid that Armegeddon is going to start in my own back garden since I am so not interested.

    But what gets me is what they try with my son. They give him those horrid little tracts and he carries them around the house with the New World Translation Bible and a songbook looking as if he's ready to hop in the car and go to a meeting. Drives me mad!


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