The End is Nigh!

by AK - Jeff 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    This list is amazing. Jehovah's Witnesses get honorable mention here. It is unbelievable the number and diversity of groups claiming that the end is about to arrive over the centuries, but certainly the lions share use the Bible's Final Revelation as basis for such predications:

    A thousand years from now the list will contain another 1000 predictions, similar to the ones listed here.


  • Mulan

    I just finished a biography of Mary Lincoln, and it mentioned the Millerites and their prediction on the end of the world in 1843. It was hilarious reading about it, and how so many people bought into it, only to come off the hill, in shame, when nothing happened. Miller's sermons were in all the newspapers, and read avidly. Mary and Abe didn't believe it, by the way.

    Nothing new I guess.

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